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AuthorAbridged help wanted?
Well anyways me and a couple of pals are going to start a abridged series, much alike death note abridged or the naruto abridged series.

We have yet to decide on a anime and i decided i would rather ask this forum then do any constructive thinking myself.
(Im not lazy, im just pro-not active, seriously i can not active much better then those amateurs.)

The list of anime that i have considerd is also the list of anime im currently watching // have recently watched.
(note i made this list a very very long time ago and actually stopped watching anime up untill today where i started watching samurai 7 so some anime that i have watched like beserker claymore bla bla bla is not on the list (go digimon))
(I went ahead and removed the dog anime, naruto, gto, dmc (detriot metal city), devil may cry, and the other half the list because they are un-abridgedable or already over abridged.

Getbackers 22
trigun 10
kenichi the mightiest disciple 25
hack // root 5
Full metal Alchemist + movie -Finished-

Yeah it is a really small list when you take out the things that have been done or you don`t think would turn out very well, but frankly my personal favorite is the partial stained steel alchemist ^^ (no i will not be writing the jokes... no fears)

So any suggestions for other animes?
(Or people who feel like making us a intro so i can continue being lazy?) (Yes i am one of the two people responsible for editing, downloading the anime, etc.)
(Sorry for the long post but i really really feel like typing right now, my fingers are kinda in pain when i stop moving them at the moment... its probuably nothing serious just restless fingers... witch is weird when you think about it...)
A list of over thirty anime cut down to five... >.> Sucks...

Summary of the above post:
Any suggestions for animes for a abridged//parody series?

Example of a abridged series:
Black lagoon abridged.
(They also did a shippuden but well that is past overdone... and the standard naruto abridged with vegeta will probuably go into the shippuden season.)
Full metal Alchemist + movie -Finished-

I'm not much of an anime fan and out of the five , I only know this one ^^
Oh well if i was to suggest some anime to you i would have to suggest

Desert punk.

It is quite the intresting anime, not very famous so there will not be alot of spoilers and you can be the one to get credit for bringing it into your group.

And 'Getbackers'.
(witch i will one day finish, im not actually on episode 22... i just forgot to update it one time apparently... >.> lol...)
Nah I once read death note and my head started aching. It shows I'm not into anime unless It's In comic form (those are easy to understand ^^)
2010-03-15 06:04:51
Two minutes and fourty-one seconds after my post, nice.

Comic as in comic or do you mean manga? (Yes they are both graphic novels and yes they are diffrent things. (its the paper version of the cartoon // anime argument)

Death note was awesome, for manga i suggest Alive! the final evolution!
i love takumi yura, the artist who dresses in a janitors uniform and has a super power to make (de/super)pressurized bubbles that explode on contact.

^^ Whenever someone else reads this they can get it back on topic. ^^
I like the paper version because I can read it again and again until I understand it ^^

And I mean comic as in cominc.!
hey i love hack//root. and fullmetal alchemist!
The list i have.

FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood.
Hack//root.(love ovan character,wonder what is on his left arm)
Samurai X
Yu Yu Hakusho.(Yuseke Urameshi and his Spirit Gun!)
YuYu already has a abridged
Bleach is nearly unabridgedable

Full metal Is already at the top of the list for me =D
hack root having less action//fight scenes is kinda a negative in my opinion but its still on the list
+ Bump ^^

Anyone have any anime they think could be good parody material?

(Most of the anime i watch is extreme fighting or already a comedy where absolutely nothing makes any sense normally...)
++ Bump
I'm getting old.
o.o Atleast post on topic?

Offgame forum does not mean you can post non sense, o.o though there are alot of forums nowadays that are about nonsense lol
Bumpy ^.^


It has been decided!!!

And just for fun.

closed by TheImmortalSin (2010-03-22 06:04:29)
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