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AuthorNew lvl 3 spells...not used in HOMM (i think.)
As you may have noticed, a good deal of whats in creative works i did (about 8 posts within a month) On some posts people say im stealing from HOMM, but im not. Nver played it, never will. Im simply using monsters i know of, whether from movies, books, or possibly another game. So stop antagonizing me about that. Now that we've got that clear, here are the spells :p

Shadow Cage
Darkness level 3
Mana cost-15
Imprisons the targeted stack within a prison made of pure shadow. For the target to resume moving, it must destroy the prison (other allied units may help) Shadow Cage also deals damage while you're in it.
*150hp/10 sp 15dmg/turn/3 sp
**250hp/20 sp 20dmg/turn/5 sp
***500hp/40 sp 50dmg/turn/7 sp
****1000hp/75 sp 100dmg/turn/10 sp

Holy level 3
Mana cost 10
The targeted unit suddenly becomes lightning quick, covering open ground unnaturally fast.
*+1 speed 1 turn/.2 turns sp
**+2 speed 2 turns/.3 turns sp
***+2 speed 4 turns/.4 turns sp
****+3 speed 5 turns/.5 turns sp

Chaos level 3
Mana cost 20
the whole field writhes and twists, sending all units sprawling. You'll find your troops moved around, and a bit shaken up.
*moves unit up to a maximum of 2 tiles deals 10/5 sp
**max 3 tiles deals 30/10 sp
*** max 4 tiles deals 50/15 sp
****max 4 tiles deals 100/20 sp

Nature level 3
Mana 10
A vine snaps out and catches the enemy in the stomach hard. They fly backwards from the force of the impact, and don't land too gently either.
*knocks back 1 tile 20 damage/5sp
**knocks back 2 tiles 30 damage/10 sp
*** knocks back 3 tiles 50 damage/10 sp
****knocks back 4 tiles 100 damage/15 sp

I may make other spells, depends on my reviews on this one :p
Very nice spells,good one there!
Shadow Cage
Darkness level 3
Mana cost-15
Imprisons the targeted stack within a prison made of pure shadow. For the target to resume moving, it must destroy the prison (other allied units may help) Shadow Cage also deals damage while you're in it.
*150hp/10 sp 15dmg/turn/3 sp
**250hp/20 sp 20dmg/turn/5 sp
***500hp/40 sp 50dmg/turn/7 sp
****1000hp/75 sp 100dmg/turn/10 sp

To powerful, 250 hp would even be a pain, WAYYYYY to powerful, so this i dont like

Holy level 3
Mana cost 10
The targeted unit suddenly becomes lightning quick, covering open ground unnaturally fast.
*+1 speed 1 turn/.2 turns sp
**+2 speed 2 turns/.3 turns sp
***+2 speed 4 turns/.4 turns sp
****+3 speed 5 turns/.5 turns sp

Used on HOMM 5 (name at least) but + any speed shoud not only cost 10, and +2 and 3 is to much, turning an ogre to a speed 6 monster

Nature level 3
Mana 10
A vine snaps out and catches the enemy in the stomach hard. They fly backwards from the force of the impact, and don't land too gently either.
*knocks back 1 tile 20 damage/5sp
**knocks back 2 tiles 30 damage/10 sp
*** knocks back 3 tiles 50 damage/10 sp
****knocks back 4 tiles 100 damage/15 sp

To little mana, 100 damage AND knockback to much, shouldnt be that powerful
awesoem bros
haste is used in homm lol
also earthquake, double post sorry.
Chance12, just to let you know, these are level three spells. They would be available to level 10+, so 250hp is nothing. Double the mana cost for haste and vinewhip if you wish, but thats Lordswm decision, im just throwing out ideas.
I say they should make level 4 spells like in .ru(correct me if i'm wrong) and that would be cool
earthquake vinewhip, pokemon

haste maplestory
Voltrob-Ex_Dont post here, all my ideas have been compiled into New Guilds, Factions, and Hunts. As for saying I'm stealing these, shut up (excuse me if I'm being rude admins.) =) Those are commonly used words, and felt they should be implemented into the game. And the fact that you know anything about pokemon or maplestory, completely ruins any respect I would have for you.

(I may seem a bit rude or crude in this message, but I'm getting really sick of people accusing me of stealing simply because of something's name. Its not stealing if I simply use the same name. The last time I checked, people don't patent words, only Trademark names.)
but i dun mind attacks are goooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
Earthquake is Nature level 3
They are all used in Homm3
For @13
I don't remember anything like Shadowcage or Vine whip in Homm3 and i used to play that game alot. There was Haste and Earthquake, the latter was used to destroy damage to castle walls.

Anyway, just because something is already used in different games, it doesnt mean they can't be adapted and used here.

For Rendingblade - we already have Rapid in this game - how is Haste different? Or is it more like an upgrade of Rapid?
Rapid here moves your stack forward on the initiative bar, haste will improve a creature's speed.

@ 14, you are right, was a little bit too quick answering, my apologies.
Rapid here moves your stack forward on the initiative bar, haste will improve a creature's speed.

Ahhh! i'm enlightened :D I never knew how to use that spell! thanks RG!
OK, I want that haste spell then ;p
Thanks for all the nice posts guys, but can you stop posting here? I compiled all of my ideas into this page.

I have modified and improved my existing ideas and put all of them there, and some of the information on this page is out of date. For example,these spells are now level 4 spells (which would be available at level 15. Read my thread if this is unclear.) due to their strength, as these spells would pretty much outdo all the other level 3 spells. Thanks again for reading.
oops yeah, sorry blade - maybe you should lock this thread then! ;p
closed by Lord Rendingblade (2010-04-25 20:26:03)
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