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AuthorRoulette-Tips for the Know-Not's
Roulette is not evil, nor a way for the empire to make money, or to fill our mines when we need more money in them, as stated in previous, now closed, topics. Roulette is, however, a way for the people who cant be on as much to make their money, and a way to bring the greedy down to size. Trust me, I know from experience. First off, no matter how many times anybody sais there is a one in thirty eight chance to land on a number, which there is in normal roulette, you have to realize that our roulette board has a system, ofc that system changes in the beginning of every month, but nonetheless, it is a system. So, what is one common thing in every system? A pattern. I agree with the idea that if you continue to bet your chances of winning additional gold get slimmer chances of winning. But lets rewind back to the beginning, your first bets and when to place them. So, we all know about the dozen patterns, the color patterns, and the odd vs. even patterns. If not, go figure it out before reading on because frankly its a waste of time for me to try to explain it. ever tried explaining how to add 2 plus 2? yeah, well its a little like that. So enough of the small talk, lets talk big. Single number elimination... Everything is about patterns, therefor to succeed in the roulette world of patterns, you have to live and think in the world of patterns.. (ok over exagerating a little... you dont have to live anywhere you dont want to :)) im not going to give you the current patterns ive seen just yet, rather first i'll give you a feel of my experiences with other ones. A few months ago was when i first started dealing with straight up's, and i found the pattern immediately. the roulette log always looked something like this- -36- 21 *34* 9 -6- 13 <5> *4* 3 -26- <25> etc. See the pattern? maybe, maybe not.. nonetheless i'll explain it to you. You see, the first number, 36, is 4 numbers away from the next number ending in 6. Generally, if it landed on a number ending with 4, 5, or 6, it would land on it again on the 4th or 5th spin. It happened nearly every day i logged on, and nearly every day i logged on i had money on it. Those were my first great successes with roulette, in one day i had accumulated 576k. Unfortunately, going into the next month, i met my downfall. Oblivious to the system change, i continued to bet in my pattern, and it killed my just after i bought a tgi. The greedy- People who bet without thinking, saying to themselves i have so much money from this, theres no way i'll lose, im a natural. Wrong. Never bet without 3-5 minutes of thought, however, do not change your thought in the middle because of a made up pattern. You will be pissed when your first instinct lands. You are giving ONE number the thought, NOT giving the thought to every number to pick one. The next month's system was easy to figure out, but i was in a crisis and did not bet much then. the landing of 12 led to the number 21, the number 13 to 31, the number 23 to 32, etc. Easy enough. So those are a couple easily grasped concepts. Which worked, 5/10 times. No, not 4.7/10 times, so don't ask. Now, into this month. The only pattern i've seen so far is hard to grasp, but perhaps in a few more days i'll have it down to a basic stand point. *10 19 8- 9 *10 18- (12) 4 (12) =27 =27 Take a minute to look at this one. Figure it out? honestly, i doubt it, given how many numbers have to be incorporated for it to work, but if you did more power to ya. so lets take a second to analyze this. 10 is four spots away from the next ten. correct? well lets remember 4. later, we see the end number 8 reapear, 3 spots away from itself. moving on we see 12 repeat itself 2 spots away. So, so far, the places away is 4,3,2. This led me to believe, before the spin, it would be landing on 27. This is because the number that landed after 12 was 27, and if the pattern worked it would mean that 27 should land 1 spot away from 27, being the very next spot. Now, it is importan
t to remember that it also could have landed on 7 or 17, which is where dozens odd/even and color comes into play in the single betting formula. Of course, thats not info for the know-nots, more the know-already's, so i wont go into that. ok jk but really as you can imagine my fingers are hurting by now from all this typing so i'll stop there and leave it to another day. :)
With just one huge paragraph... the question is; Who will read it?
Apparently I was fool enough to.

for TheMarsh:
I'll admit that you did make quite a fair bit from Roulette, but I'll stick to calling it random. Anyone can come up with patterns with sufficient data and an imaginative mind.

Also, please do have some paragraphing and line spaces. It would help a lot in reading it.
lol yes i threw it together fast, on a tight schedule :) sry.. i will paragraph it later in the week i suppose.. maybe even 2night if i get the chance.. btw its more a page than a paragraph :P
I'm not a big roulette player, but I find it hard to believe the pattern is so easily deciphered. A simple formula to create random numbers should be complex enough that you would need a very powerful computer (perhaps a small server farm) and an entire month of roulette numbers, which would be pointless because the formula is supposed to change every month.

Here's an example:
Remainder of [(Empire's gold + Last Roulette's total winning) / 38]
Just this basic formula would be hard enough that so players can't eyeball the pattern. It's best to not use any number players can have access to. So if I replaced Empire's gold and Roulette winnings with something like IP Address of last player who logged in, number of PMs Secretary received, or number of level 1 players online, then there's not much players can do except conclude that the roulette numbers are random.
Ah but even if it were like that no doubt there would still be a pattern. For example, if you take notice that every time the number before makes 50k earnings it lands somewhere between 6 and 10, you automatically know first dozen when u see it lands with about 50k earnings. Further more usually when a lvl 1 logs on they will be on for at least 10 minutes i'd assume, so it would then still be within a range of numbers. The point is that there are patterns surrounding roulette because it is a game of patterns and no matter what the system is it does have a pattern. That is just my theory ofc but it has worked before and it will again.

Also, I'd like to point out that whether or not it is hard to eyeball the pattern these patterns ive stated before did work throughout the entire month i found them many times. I'm not saying its a fool proof pattern like some sort of sketch of the numbers going to land when etc, i'm just saying that there are patterns that can bring you within the range of a few numbers.






(bottom is earlier spins) As we see here, 23 flips to 32, (when you see a number that can be flipped have money on it for 3 more spins) then, 32's end number, 2, is repeated in twelve. Finally, we see 4's repeated with 4 and 24, or perhaps 12 is being doubled, and the fours are just a chance show up. My guess is the next spin is 35, but not betting because dont want to risk anything until i build up more money
The flipping part is just wrong. Any programmer would know not to base any of the previous rolls for a new roll. Just like roulette in real life each roll is completely separate and isolated from other rolls.

My example is just a very simple way of noting how you can't really easily find out what the pattern is.

A: IP of previous player who logged on.
B: Number of PMs Secretary has received.
C: Number of level X players online. (X changes)
D: Number of diamonds admins have issued.
E: Random prime number from 1 to 97
F to Z: Other changing numbers players have no access to.

Remainder of [E(A+B)+E(C+D)+E]

Now with some more complex calculations and adding more variables F to Z and maybe have the variables rotate with every roulette spin. This kind of formula is very easy to implement and can instantly be calculated by the server.

My point being is that it is impossible to guess and if it is remotely possible to find a pattern, then the admins need to completely change their formula.
it works greatly my friend took his advice and imideetly won 36k and if thts not good enough for u thn check his when total
Ok say what you will but i am not going to argue with you over the fact of simple patterns i've found in roulette. Regardless of what the "pattern" is, patterns that i have found work. If you want to tell me that the way they base roulette is from IP of previous players who have logged on then please do, but i will tell you right now that the purpose of this section is not why the patterns i've found land like they do, but the fact that they do land the way they do. Rather than finding ways to say my advice is wrong based on formulas created in your head, i recomend you watch roulettes history for a while and show me proof that my patterns never work. Regardless to say there are flaws, however they pay off in the long run.

Also, a more advanced version will be coming out by this time tomorrow for people who have grasped the idea of my previous advice. After that is released i will make my first posts easier to read.
There are number patterns everywhere in thoery!

But the in Roulette's case is just too complex...
for mathprofessor pls help here!

please try making paragraphs next time.
I'm not that smart but i usually copy people i no who win alot and i win sometimes so in your face :P lol, but you have a great mind but as heartb said it's to complex for me especially

yes, in theory, there is a pattern.

what about piratically?

it doesnt have a pattern, that's why you call it as random :p

it works greatly my friend took his advice and imideetly won 36k and if thts not good enough for u thn check his when total

yes, a lucky win doesnt mean you will keep on the winning. even the world top poker player will suggest you dont try to earn your wealth with gamble; that's the most stupid way to go with.
Well, of course it's not random, there's a pattern to everything and it's deciphering that pattern that's the problem. I doubt that it would be simple as number transposition. Betting on just that would be foolish. I think.Yeah, no, I know.

Not going to read it.
I read it after reading posts 2, 3 and 4.
TL;DR version:
All roulette numbers have a pattern
Know the pattern and you know the next number.
Patterns can be like, 1, 4, 5, 8, this means that the number is one space away from the next number (example)
That's all.
he wqas suggesting that if 31 comes in 13 ill likely come in within the next three spins, if 23, 32 ..

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