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AuthorNot enough resources for production
i am not able to enroll in rod y?
Because there are not enough resources for production
That's the answer.
Tip: if you have the required resources to sell and the factory has gold to buy it, sell those resources. You make a profit (normally) and you get to enroll (assuming you haven't used up all the gold upon selling the resources); plus, you help other people to enroll should they want to! Brillant!
Each artifact in production (and things in machining) require something to be produced - wood, ore, mercury etc. Whenever you enroll, you take a certain amount of each of these resources to make the artifact being produced. In fact, there will be a number in red just below the resource which is in deficit - this is the amount of that resource which the facility must have before you can enroll (i.e. the amount of resource that you need to make the artifact). If you can sell the facility the resources it needs, you can enroll yourself (if it still has gold, and no one else took advantage of you and enrolled themselves).
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