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AuthorTier 3 Upgrades
Who do you think would win if every faction had their tier 3 and the all had the same arts and they could only pick 1 talent?

In my opinion Barbarian would be one of the best because Orc Chiefs are really strong with both meelee and archery.

Orcs Cheifs vs Grandmaster Bowmen

^The Orcs would be able to go first and kill them.

Now,you post here with your faction and put them up against a different faction's and you figure out who would win.
wizard would win. mechanical golem would first strike the grandmaster bowmen or orc so they all die in excrutiating pain.
But It takes time for a 4 speed creature to get close to an Orc Chief on the other side of the battlefield.

Guardians could win,maybe Cerberus....
barb cant use spells others can so thats why i dont vote barb
shrewz vs orcs cheifz


more ini ,high speed,no retaliation strike n return.

in other words

i is in far range where orcs cant deal high damage and it can att
and deal high damage without being melee attacked.
But if your on the otherside of the battlefield,it takes two turns for Shrews to hit them.Also,Barb has stunning blow which if lvl 14 you will do like 90 damage before they even get down there.
shrews are tier 3 , in my opinion grandmaster bowman win because they have knocking shot doesnt matter orc chief go first or not
shrews are tier 3

i mean tier 2
I would vote for apparitions.
grandmaster bowman win because they have knocking shot doesnt matter orc chief go first or not
well actually,orc chiefs have knocking shot aswell..
for Tz-BackStab:

But gmb shoots 2 times and if 2x knocking shot gmb go again.
But gmb shoots 2 times and if 2x knocking shot gmb go again.
You still have to consider the possibilities of knocking shot occuring..
okay, my opinion apparitions before they come orc chief will miss..
orcs will win against the gmb, but guardians and orcs will be a close one, though I must say cerberi and guardian, I doubt who would win
cerberi vs guardian = cerberi win..
for golubovic:

Imagine if the Guardian had like 15 iniative boosts and 5 morale.
Imagine if the Guardian had like 15 iniative boosts and 5 morale. and stun
cerberi are fast but guardians have to win because they are stronger in close combat. their superiority in direct hand to hand fight was programmed to compensate their slow movements. otherwise it would be unbalaned. in real fights it is balanced because they can be used only near the end of the battle because they are so slow.
this is sure just an opinion
cerbs or guards

just like xbows or shrews, everyone says its a tie
no. shrews win, because of range penalty
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