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AuthorA power full faction without upgrades.
A gladiator faction.

with 1 creature

hp unlimited
danage unlimited almost everything is unlimited,
actually i created too see ehat creature u want in the faction.
its a players game,not the creators^^
wow...then level 1 you get that hp unlimited creature...then you can defeat a level 14 already
Or a creature with 1 hp and 1 dmg, but with a million initiative, 15 speed and no retaliation :D. Only way to counter it is Concentration; which compliments barbs :p.
1 hp???!!!
Ok,forget the unlimited creature.
like d.e 40% less troops.


att 3
def 5
damage 3-5
hp 14
speed 7
morale 1
Ini 10.5
other stats not neded.

Stun,large sheild,big blade.

Big blade:10% chance to deal 150% damage to a stack.


damage 4-4
hp 8
speed 4
range 5
morale 1
ini 9.5

dire shot.
Dire shot:creature has 5% chance to deal 130% damage to and enemy stck.
defence ignored.


att 5
def 8
damage 5-6
hp 18
speed 5
morale 1
ini 12.3

Cryptonite:crature inevitably -the enemy stacks damage before hitting it.
Defence ingnored,10% chance.100% chance to hit incorpreal cratures when
the ability is activated.

Gate Defender

Att 7
Def 12
damage 7-9
hp 32
speed 5
morale 1
ini 12.3

Defend:defence is incrased by 10.
activated special ability.
Kick:(like roots)unallows the targeted stack to move,25% chance.

Thats all i hv.
more will be suggested later.
#6 what?
the 1st tier way too powerful...3-5 damage and 14 hp...
thast why this faction no upgrades^^
hero will kill it
nvermind 1 mil inative
Go make your own game.
you who could beat it, me! i'll squash it with my big big hand
I think this topic should rather be moved to the Creative works section . . .
A power full faction without upgrades.

we already have a powerful game without updates ;}}
$14 yeah...

and its upgrades not UPDATES
16 I think she was joking somehow

oh and I think your idea is rubbish, besides it wont ever be implemented
closed by Grim_Reaper00 (2010-02-28 14:37:10)
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