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AuthorChange default Amount value from 0 to 1 in the market
How many times you had to write 1 instead of 0 there?

Default value should be the most often used value and obviously the value 1 is the most often used value.

Moreover, value 0 is NEVER used in the amount :)

I would also like to see make the most important thing the first on that list, i.e. the PRICE should be the first, not the amount.

Now there is this order:
1) Post a lot (default: Wood)
2) Amount (default: 0)
3) Lot type (default: fixed price sale)
4) Price per unit (default: 0)
5) Buyout price (default: 0)
6) Auction duration (default: 30 min)

I would change it into this:
1) Post a lot (default: <the last not sold item>)
2) Price per unit (default: 0)
3) Amount (default: 1)
4) Auction duration (default: 30 min)
5) Lot type (default: fixed price sale)
6) Buyout price (default: 0)

The default value so easily can be changed (10 seconds of programming, maximum 1 min).
Maybe the value <the last not sold item> would take more than 1 min, but it shouldn't be a problem.

I know that this idea (as any other ideas from .com) will never be implemented (and never was), but writing something in IaS forum is part of the game, so I do that part now :)
Am I really the only one who needs it?
Even nobody said -1 ? :)

you get a +1 from me :)
yup, it will save me a huge amount of "1" typings :}

I know that this idea (as any other ideas from .com) will never be implemented (and never was), but writing something in IaS forum is part of the game, so I do that part now :)

it's like doing the battle part of the game with the both sides not dealing actual damage to each other. just a simulation ;}
One more thing:
- when you press "post a lot" in the market you see a list of items (in drop down menu) and why "Chain helmet" (or any other item) is not always in the same position?
(it is really confusing when you have more than 40 items)

- make separate sections there:

1) first list (alphabetically) items, which wasn't sold (was put in the market, but have returned in the last 24 hours)

2) next list all other items (which were returned from market to your inventory earlier than 24 hours ago or wasn't put into market at all)
The default amount should remain as 0.

This is to ensure that the seller willingly set the values and amount to sell.

I would change it into this:
1) Post a lot (default: <the last not sold item>)
2) Price per unit (default: 0)
3) Amount (default: 1)
4) Auction duration (default: 30 min)
5) Lot type (default: fixed price sale)
6) Buyout price (default: 0)

Imagine situations where players accidentally clicked to sell items without ensuring all fields are properly filled up.

There will be many complaints of accidentally selling items for 0 cost.

There will be many complaints of accidentally selling items for 0 cost.

you forget the "ru sure?" popup
There will be many complaints of accidentally selling items for 0 cost


This is what we have now:
Price per unit (default: 0)
(I didn't suggest to change this value)

This is no problem, because you can't sell for 0 gold anything in the market!
(it won't allow you - just try it)
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