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AuthorStrategy Gamers on Lordswm?
Since this game isnt as straightforward as many others, where one has to THINK before a move is made, I wonder how many of you are strategy game junkies?

They include but are not restricted to:
1. Board games (Chess, Risk, etc)
2. RTS - Real Time Strategy (online or offline variants)
3. Strategy browser games

I'm all 3 of the above :)
1. Board Games (Risk etc.)
2. RTS yes
3. Str. Browser games & tactical rpgs
4. Turn based strategy

I simply like every game with strategy or rpg elements including board games.
1.Turn Based Strategy and RTS in one!!! (empireTW+MedievalTW)
2strategy browseres too
1. Board Games (Risk etc.)
2. RTS yes
3. Str. Browser games & tactical rpgs
4. Turn based strategy

i'm all for'em
well i like this game because heroes i didn't get to play online
people who can play chess > people you can't play chess

(in heroeswm battlefield capabilities)
Life the largets MMO strategy game. You must distribute your primary resources time, money etc and plan ahead. Whether to cheat or not in an exam, which public transport to take. If you win, you recieve more resources, and if you lose, you lose resources.

And if we talk about non-virtual games, I think every game is a great strategy game. For example WoW, especially in end game and pvp instances, you need a lot of strategy (and team work) to win. Even if you have perfect full epic you can still easily be defeated by a strateger 5 levels below you.. :(
CS, is much more than just shooter/action, whether you have nice strategy can decide your fate, even if your reaction and accuracy is superior.
Sports are strategy too, from actual match tactics to off schedule mind games..

I like games where you can come and leave any moment you like and where it nevers "restarts".
For example, in a real time strategy game you have to log in each xx hours or days else you fall behind. And after xx months the entire server will restart.
In lowm nothing happens if you dont log in for a month, everything is in the exact same state as when you left. And if you dont log in for a year, you dont have to be afraid that your account has been wiped.
And it is online with / against other players.

Those three things are enough for a good game for me. Havent played much others, why would I, if lowm already has everything I want :D
well i like this game because heroes i didn't get to play online

Same here ;)
I do like to play Heroes 5 hot-seat or with LAN connectionwith my friend(s).
1) Strategy Game (including some logical board games like Chess, Push, etc.)

2) RPG (Role playing games like MM (Might and Magic is a perfect example of RPG), HoMM, etc., LordsWM isn't RPG yet from my point of view)

3) RTS (in the last 3 days I've played Warlords Battlecry III (perfect example of RTS) with my old 59th level hero (Race = Dwarf, Class = Warrior), it was really fun again to cast "Resist missiles" + "Stoneskin" spells and rush against Towers)

4) Medieval Game (I like games with Swords, Shields, Bows, etc.)

5) Action+Shooter Game (sometimes I turn off my brain and play IQ draining games like Quake2 :) )
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