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AuthorAn Important Lesson
Well now that the Global Warming Hoax is just about finished, I hope people will learn some lessons.

First is that you don't believe everything you read in the media.

Second, todays science is just as much a religion as any of the rest of organized religions.

Third, use the old but still true " Follow the money" when something smells fishy and you are asked to open your wallet to shell out money.

Fourth, don't be afraid to speak out against something if you believe it is wrong, even when it is an unpopular position to take.

The skeptics were called "flat-earthers," and much worse to try and shut down debate. The global economy almost went into contortions over a hoax and we all would have had to make major changes in our lives. I am not taking a swipe at those who believed global warming here, just pointing out that the self-proclaimed "experts" can be liars just like the common man, only they have the power to screw up all our lives if we let them.

Finally....has anyone seen Al Gore lately? LOL

http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1250872/Climategate-U-turn-Astonishment-scientist-centr e-global-warming-email-row-admits-data-organised.html

"Climategate U-turn as scientist at centre of row admits: There has been no global warming since 1995"
Wait, so every single article that came out that supported global warming was a hoax, and because in this one article, someone states that there has been no global warming hasn't occured, that makes global warming a hoax for real? What if there's been another mistake? There are loads of things that could've occured.

The debate isn't over. One article can't change that.
for Anyone:

This is just the "tip of the iceberg." (Pun intended) These scoundrals have been weighed, measured and found guilty of fraud. The numbers were fudged, data that went against their agenda ignored,and scientists who had an opposite opinion on the matter were attacked and locked out of the debate.

It is far from one article. The only reason this guy is admitting his fraud is that people are now demanding to see his work and he has nothing to show them. Clean up the environment, yes. Scam us all out of our money with flawed science? No way.
Clean up the environment, yes. Scam us all out of our money with flawed science? No way.
Couldnt agree more. Now, if only my home country could do the same, instead of laundering taxpayers' money for "improvements" to the country and so-called "environment".
WHile i do agree in his case like many others.... people with an agenda used an established way of thinking in this case science and manipulated it in order to make themselves powerfull and profit or to just try and control the masses LOL yes just like some folks through out time have used religion :P in reality common sense could have put this to rest if people would have just stepped back took a breathe and said well .... of course we humans are affecting the enviroment and in really bad ways LOL but nature in all it glory is alot tougher then man realizes :P if we petty humans mess up the planet so horrible bad to the levels the so called scientist say we are NATURE will simply clean its self up by getting rid of the humans :P

in the end i say this... when there is a "cause" that stirs you to the point where you think you have the need or right to force others to change their way or culture then you might want to remember eventually you will be the one that is told your ways are wrong and you must change.... so instead of trying to force others to change try to find a common ground that all can coexist... and if a common ground can not be found then eliminate the obstructing forces... this is the one thing that alot of peace lovers dont like to realize... there are some instances were you can not "change" others you simple have to live with them or remove them from the equations.
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