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AuthorWeird AI behavior
First SilverMaiden(https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1875698)

Now both of my last combats.

Normally monks would attack cerbs after being blocked but this time they only walked towards succubis. They started attacking cerberies the second turn.. :S
Blocked skeletal did not attack nearby Rocs the first turn, but at the second.

I know sometimes in hunts and quests AI ignores nearby objects, normally when the strength difference is at it's maximum, e.g. 10000 Farmers ignoring 1 Spawn or 10 Bowmen ignoring 20 genies.. But I can't recall and nor can figure out why the AI only attacked at their second turn while ignoring at their first?

Fact or science fiction?
Similar experience here. Renegade thugs ignored main stack of shrews in first turn and then killed rather 1 shrews than assailants.

here too

bowmen didn't kill phantom of vampire, but stacks of 1 ghost only

weird thing
Maybe because valetine's day?
Maybe because valetine's day?
Dont think so, I had the same thing two days ago on .ru with gremlins.
Now again Gremlins monster {8} instead of dealing quite big damage to my shrews it killed unimportant stack of 1 DW instead.
3 treefolks go for 5 spawns, 5 druids shoot 36 incendaries instead of 9 HHs. I wonder what's going on :)
Are you all complaining?
No, not at all, it only makes the AI more stupid(maybe that's the point? :p)
And this green hunt I had was easier than a white!
The whatever is left of 800 gargoyles (300-400) all went for gated units, and I could kill them in no time with my main troops. In the end I suffered no casualties apart of single digit of spawns and 2 succubis :DD:D All my hounds were not at all harmed adn that was a glorious victory *shows golden teeth*
Will many records be broken today? :)
for hiddenshadow:

I did a battle with a bunch of Gremlins and they ignored my Wolves and went for my Goblins.
Maybe monsters are in love :P got similar behavior in this battle too https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?lt=-1&warid=19342886
Ive been having this strange behaviour too, monster quests have been avoiding my nice juicy stack of raiders to kill a single hob and in my last combat against DE brigands they attacked my ogre before my orcs rocs and raiders? :/
What's the consensus on the RU server? What was the point of this update?
Can someone ask over there? (Or at least check.)
Great changes in AI behavior was done. RU players are also confused and duscuss all newmade changes in many topics on their forum.
I am not complaining at all,this will give a bunch of people chances to get new records.
It is really strange when in ambush there are 15 enemy stacks by ladons and instead of attacking ladons they all go for dark witches through the whole map to another corner. If it is completely new AI system (stupid in my opinion) it will significantly change current tactics in PvE combats.
Maybe Admins are giving other people the experience to have their troops gone after instead of the more important troops.
Sorry for double post, but this is too much: DE caravan hero shoots stack of 1 shrews instead of dealing standard massive damage to ladons with lightning. lol:)

I did some tests in that easy hunt.
It is very easy to predict what the ai will do now. They always choose the weirdest option!

30 clerics ignoring my blocking vamp & appa stack to kill a single appa!?

Normally grelims would have attacked my ghosts, or skeletons. This time they didn't and walked away?
Hooray for the new AI system ^^
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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