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Authornot getting logged off due to active writing
ummm, my suggestion, or idea or whatever is how about we not get logged off while we are trying to write a story, hmmm just a suggestion considering not being idle the whole time
+1 It happened to me just now , very annoying
Write your masterpiece in notepad then c&p to the game or other WP I like open office, MS lovers got the Word )
totally irrelevant after the fact. Anyone with half a brain would figure that. I just think you like seeing you name or suffer from a superiority complex or something cause your like a constant downer on other peoples intellects.

Point is this shouldn't be a surprise for unfortunate writers to discover and not to mention its inconvenient and stupid to get logged off for that.
A little agressive methinks Lucid-Naz, a rather disproportionate attack. As to the suggestion I think that having a log out timer is reasonable, however it should be such that it is not overly short as to provide annoyance. HAving not timed out I would have thought it long enough, however, clearly this is not universal. In principle I would agree that if the time is too short it should be extended, does anoyone know how long it is though?
If you are inactive long enough the server logs you out, deal with it. BTW I disliked you before you wrote that about me, now others may share my sentiment )
dont start the offense, stay in topic pls

yet, it is for security purpose. auto log off is needed if inactive.

a simple way to explain it, the site use cookie to track the action performed, information send and receive. so, i dont see the problem here as no information sent to refresh the timer.

another simple solution, open a new tab on your browser and link to group battle page. group battle page will constant refresh which could solve your problem while typing.
A little off-topic: Lucid-Naz, no offense, but you're out of line. The man tried to give him some good advice for the future and you're just lashing out for almost no reason. Sounds like someone else likes seeing his name... *whistles away*

Now on-topic: If you want another good advice about web browsers, something that's maybe easier for you, here is some: after you're done writing, just before clicking Submit, select your whole text (Ctrl+A or just left-click mouse-drag) and copy it to Clipboard with Ctrl+C or right-click -> Copy. It's maybe easier to use then opening another window and having to go back and forth to answer to everything (in case you're replying to a forum post or something) and it saves your data in case you got disconnected or even the server failed to acknowledge your sent data (happened to me more then once on an old blog site). I also use it because my mouse buttons 4 and 5 (on the left and right side of the mouse) are linked to Back and Forward and sometimes I misclick on them and lose all my creation :P

About the suggestion: there's not much anyone can do except extend the auto-logout timer, since you're not sending data to the server while typing, it's only saved on your screen until you press Submit. Therefore, the server can't tell if you're there or you've closed your browser. Besides, this would increase server usage, which is something to avoid, if possible, with MMO's. And, as MilesTeg pointed out already, not that many players have problems with the timer being the length it is now. I feel it is very generous (I believe it's more then 15 minutes, since sometimes when I leave and come back after 16-17 minutes, I'm still not logged off when I refresh the page), so I see absolutely no reason to make it longer.

I must say Lucid-Naz has some blame. But his reaction is normal. I imagine he worked a fairly long time on the story of for no progress to be shown. And someone commenting an obvious "what u should have done", would only get that sort of licking. And i must say darwin was off topic with that b/c we are talking about the log timer not "what u should have done".

I diagress. I agree with Lanik (nice points & agreed), however i think the timer is longer, cuz i dont log off in 15 min of typing (or reading)on the same page post. I would say it is past the 30 min mark or it is for me. Any site has an auto log off, and it WILL log you off while typing (happens to me). So lesson learned.

-1 (for timer)
+2 (topic quarell)(this is why i like LWM =p )
I agree with Lannik, as I myself have done blogging and long post typing. A simple way to deal with a simple problem.

-1 (for timer)
+2 (topic quarell)(this is why i like LWM =p )

I ever so agree man ;)
Well thank you all for your advice and I thank some of you for your understanding. (special thanks to Ikagaru for seeing both sides of the coin)

But my MAIN point was that this should not be a surprise but if it is somewhere into the intro of this game then my bad, but still, at least a bit of forewarning, especially in thread links such as creative links ya know.

Just imagine you did write your "masterpiece" as Darwen so poetically put it, just to see it disappear before your eyes. Dude I was soooooooo mad.

as for Lannik, are you serious? Me liking to see my own name is completely... true, haha. :)

As far as me attacking DarwenAward for no reason, I got my reasons, just to those seeing this and not the... well that is not important. There is reason for my distaste but that can be solved in a pm between he and I. But truthfully, just like Pang, I could care less who does or doesn't like me.

Well I better hurry up and post this before I get logged out again, haha. That was a joke but it was kinda painful, lol
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