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AuthorAnother offense step vs. Cold blade
Is it better to choose another offense stage (like advanced or expert offense) or is it better to take Cold blade talent instead? My thought is, that cold blade brings 10% extra damage on normal damage + damage from offense talents, so it is better than just another 10% on normal damgage... Am I thinking correct, or cold blade damage is added before offense... Oh yeah, and I'm asking for DE, where you don't have shooters... tnx!
Yes you are right. 1.2 x 1.1 > 1.3
Actually advanced offense + cold blade is +31% melee damage (1.2x1.1=1.31), whilst expert offense gives +30% melee damage (1x1.3=1.3). And cold blade also increases your ranged damage if im right.
Actually advanced offense + cold blade is +31% melee damage (1.2x1.1=1.31)

Oops sorry i mean +32% melee damage (1.2x1.1=1.32) and just noticed u have no shooters so ignore And cold blade also increases your ranged damage if im right. :).
Yup, so cold blade is better. (Ahh, if only it was still 15%... :D )
But only a tiny problem surfaces when you pick cold blade instead of advanced/expert offense, and that is when you're fighting enchanted gargoyles. :P
ench gargs, golems and other magic proff mosters dont get affected
Or golems and other players with magic resistance...
Tnx for answers!
closed by Lady Straws (2010-01-31 13:18:00)
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