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AuthorHelp with dwarves
This is a thread where you can ask questions about dwarves and you will get an answer.
I'll start it off with a link to a section about dwarves at the HOMM website

Here are the statistics and creatures, hope it helps!!!!


Just click on the creature and it will pop up, statistics, hp, speed, abilities and more!!

Chance12, at your service
i would say this is more like an off topic thread :\
boy am i glad this game does not edit things to be more fit in the game or change names this list will be great BECAUSE THEY DONT DO THAT AT ALL
You know, attempts to create a long-term topic in Q&H usually are not very successful. Specific questions are prefered.

Just for the fun of it lets wait what happens, we can move it later. I am curious how this will turn out..
Wow very defensive
it may turn to creative works forum after couple of posts. that's my humble prediction...
if dwarves are like the ones in HOMM5 their main target is survive survive survive...enormous hp(1st tier upgraded unit=>12 hp)and def...not great dmg but they have tons of runes that boost their dmg...like rune of berserker(the unit makes 2 attacks)or rune of battlefury(1 attack at every unit around it like Ladons)
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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