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I want to know who is most popular in the game?????
i think Empire
I dont think so.....
Antos? Kusika? And all Lvl 14 Players?

really only 1 can be most popular...

I mean is ourselves.we all share a desire to play the game so really is which of us is more dedicated to this game the popular he wil be.
lol..don't know..
who care? i dont see what's so important to find it out.
popularity? who care? i dont see what's so important to find it out.

i like some people because i have good contact with 'em: like hunting partners, some clan members and other nice guys and gals i met in this game... i don't care about popularity...

i wonder: why do you want to find the most popular one?
MasterTI used to be most popular. then everybody just forgot about him ^^
I think that everyone knows about Arctic.
But what exactly is popularity? (in game popularity I mean) I consider in_game popularity as how many friends you have. But that is a whole new forum topic....
Thats totally....NOT me :P
for Dan-Panic:
Thats totally....NOT me :P

Right Dan. We will both have to wait for the most UNpopular thread to be made. Then we will get many votes :P
just keep posting Modi. Then you will be pop.
ok kusika is the guy with the most xp and i can say nothign against him

but the most popular is totally arctic
Yeah. Go Arctic. Yippee. I bet he is whooping for joy. jk
kusika is the guy with the most xp
to 16 wurmtog -kusika is second in xp. Anatos is First.
Number one is always most popular : Antos
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