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AuthorSwearing and insults in battle

Player sucellus
In multiple battles decides to swear and insult.

Swearing and insults in the above battle

Also has transfers with admited additional accounts...
Provides financial assistance as well, see page 3 of transfer log.
It will be more clear if you indicate the lines where i sweared in battle ? As far as i can see , you were the one swearing in battle :

43~25: lines by [DeasprateDesire]in https://www.lordswm.com/battlechat.php?warid=18525732

Deaspratedesire is your multi i am to believe .

And if you want to report Zorozo3's transfers , there is always an forum for it .

The link to it if it is difficult for you to find :
I read both battchats and sucellus didn't swear in either of them.....insults?...open to ones own perception, i wouldn't say he insulted anyone either
You cannot report it if you were not in the battle... Oh, right.

You can't post with multi's :)
This is my ADDITIONAL, and additionals are only banned from posting in the MAIN SECTION of the forum, if you read the rules...

And them calling other players 'stupid' qualifies and a insult... along with saying other things like 'shut up' and etc.

In any manner it was said offensivly and is a violation of the rules.

Also note that i was in the battle on my main in both, so i have violated no rules.

You should also note that no 3rd party comments are alowwed... so post number 3 and 4 will be deleted/warned, depending on what the mod decides fits.

I hope this clears up your misconceptions, but yes they both violated rules and one does have financial assistance / mult abuse witch i will report on in financial and others section at a later time.
Because Sucellus wanted me to elaborate on witch lines in specific it was i went through them really fast from bottom to top starting with the copied link he posted.

Just look at these for starters
43~25 as indicated by the drum roll it is a joke... o_0 and even otherwise wouldnt be insulting

Immediatly after that line he accuses me of assisting the enemy and intentional loss, when i had commented on something that theyre elf had already done, he said i was giving them 'tips' but if youll note my comment was past tense...
54~24 <-- my comment
Then theres him trying to offend me by talking about my choice of talents, witch i kinda found funny.

Anyways that about covers everything now except i have never sworn in any of theyre pressences were as they have tried to offend and insult and although Sucellus hasnt sworn he has cursed, though i tend to consider curse and swear words the same thing...

Sorry for the time between posts i got a little side tracked with another game.
Let the keepers judge whether your talent talk was insults or abuses or not .

p.s. sucellus is my multi

Well you'd think you would be posting with the character that was insulted...
@ xerfer

he cannot post in the forum with his main character as it is banned for insults :p
closed by Lord Kotrin (2010-01-17 22:13:40)
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