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AuthorNickel crisis?
As you can see on the map there is no nickel on Empire facilities.
I do not know is it because of not enough working places in facilities or some players are buying them with some purpose.
That is way there are not enough swords of might. No nickel no swords of might.
Look at the market and on the prices for SOM. Do you really ready to buy it for this price?
Is not it a time to increase working spaces on nickel facilities? What do think guys?
This is because of the high nickel usage as a result of the new factories. I figure admins would increase the working spaces or create a new nickel machinery like steel in a few weeks. :)
Nickel, sure, thats sad and might cause some problems with mosts arts.

What concerns me more is crystals. :-(
Crystals isn't much of a problem. Sure the new places also use crystals, but the shortage there is mostly caused by players hoarding. All the factories are well stocked in crystals and there's a lot of crystals on the market.
[Post deleted by moderator Kotrin // double post]
No crystal because with all these new fancy facilities no one is interested in enrolling in a mine!

But soon only mines will remain :]

There's no big needs for Nickel, all facilities in Misty Coast and Seraph's Tears are almost full, and in Ridge of Hopes it's sold at a loss. I conclude there's no real Nickel shortage. We could speak of a real shortage only if facilities needing it AND buying at good prices could not get any.

I guess some people are just speculating on Nickel, and with such a thread you can be sure you won't find any new Nickel in weeks =D

As for Sword of Might, you can just have yours repaired!
I have no problems buying a SoM from facility, and nickel from EB is sold at a 1 gold profit to the factory in RoH

as for people not enrolling in mines, just keeps them open for me to enroll in them better :D
Crystals isn't much of a problem.

Without changes we will see if you can repeat this in 2 weeks. And the hoarding theory again(there are much stronger powers influencing avaliability of these resources, the twin gods especially)..Why there was no hoarding in last 10 months then? Of course there is a capacity of players to slow these changes, but if nothing happens from administration, we will see crystal tears soon.
for Omega22:
You're taking my analysis out of context. I'm just saying nickel is more of a problem than crystals. I'm not saying there's absolutely nothing wrong with crystals. Just with hoarding has made a low supply situation into a shortage situation. Anyway I don't believe the situation would change much in 2 weeks. Afterall 2 weeks ago was the same as now.

When the new factories came out I had predicted the steel and nickel shortages. But the admins fixed the steel issue with the new machinery. Nickel just took longer to get short because there were much more surplus nickel when the new factories got put into place.

If nothing is done, maybe crystals would be in the same situation as nickel currently is in a few months.
These things actually can be fixed, will be fixed, we can just hope it will be soon enough.

First stage: Resource runs out in mines, players and factories have enough.
Second stage: Players begin to feel the shortage, some of them keep resources to themselves. Factories are running short.
Third stage: Factories and mines empty, only 10-20 players have resources.

We are between 1 and 2 right now.
hehe lucky i picked up those 30 nickel last nite )
Yes Nickel is bigger problem than crystals (selling SoM when weared out you can get new crystals (but to buy it from factory you dont need crystals)
Also Crystals can be bought at market but Nickel cannot... :(
There's no Nickel crisis, because
1. There's no Nickel shortage in production facilities needing Nickel.
2. Nickel can't be sold in the market.

So far, the ONLY purpose of Nickel is to be sold to factories. Ridge of Hopes ones are specific because they buy Nickel at a loss unless you managed to get some from East Bay; So it's no surprise that few people are eager to sell their Nickel there. But other facilities are just full of Nickel.

And since Nickel can't be traded, the prospects of Nickel hoarders are quite limited, IMHO. ^_^
i think the factory for nickel should be open at Yellow Lake.
if you wanna sell SOM at a profit you will do better if you control nickel supply, ...
Nickel factory at YL (bad choise) too many factories there has already.
But I think soon will be nickel crises..
not really a problem.

a few weeks before this, we got steel crisis. someone try to monopoly steel. guess what? admin just increase 1 steel factory and refill some stock on other steel factory, instant kill all those monopolizers :D
yeah, smash this contemptible rabble! >:|= they only destroy our monotonous play...

hey, i have an idea! ^`^ why not odmen just make a steel and a nickel shop next to the artifact shop? always full, always working. you won't even need to travel areas then :}

and also another thing should've been tuned long time ago - they should fill the market with arts when they see someone selling at a profit!
Hey Georgia, why stopping there?
==> Why don't they bring back the Artifact Shop?
yeah i want an element shop so :p georgia
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