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   Forums-->Combat problems-->

AuthorHello all
why my character - https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4599540
also is in battle??? it`s lag??? or someone else? i very want to play with him :(
What's problem? After battle click return to game and all will be good.
no i click return to game 1000x and nothing :(
someone can help me??? or here is anyone stu***??? :@ is here any admin or someone else? :@
Whats the problem??
And no there isnt stupid people here:)
Sorry for doble post, youve got to clik RETURN TO GAME lolz
someone moderator can ban PoisikE for 1 day please!!! it`s my main character and i wanw to play with him :)
1. Sign your characters in your profile, thank you.
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4.If you are stuck at combat, dont lock this topic until its resolved.
Topic moved from "Queries and help" to "Combat problems".
1) All the people telling him to click return to game, take a look at his profile, his character is IN COMBAT, this means whenever he clicks a link it redirects him right to that combat

2) All you can do is wait for an admin to end your combat (and you wont get any exp/fsp afaik, but at least your character becomes playable again)
i can't work, fight... nothing... plz help me, and fixed this bug
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