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AuthorRoulette and Market suggestion
I think it would really be usefull if an option "repeat previous bet" would be introduced....so that some people would not have to keep on puting on the same staff all over again..i mean it doesn,t take long but its useful,no?...also..if you leave something in market for 3 days lets say and see nobody is bidding..wouldn,t it be useful to have an option to take the item out? lets say with a small fine if needed?
roulette suggestion:
because like if 1 minute left and be don't have time to bet like the precious bet we can click on that button.. it will be easy and useful
Or you could save them?.. Then you can just click on that one instead of just keeping one of them
roulette suggestion:
it will definitely save the works of those players who love roulette.

market suggestion:
Erm..well, if 3 days is over and nobody is bidding, you'll get it back for sure. If within 3 days, for example 2 days is over but no one bid it, you still have a chance to sell it although the chance is not big. There is an option which you can choose the auction time, if you can't stand waiting for 3 days, you can set for shorter time and post in again if nobody bids it.
i would want a marketeer guild, or a trader guild instead :)! the more of stuff you buy to and fro the market the higher it gets, affecting some options in setting 3 to 10 items in the market at the same time, or having more than 3 lots, or more than 3 days :)) whatd'u think of this?
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