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AuthorCongratz Maia and marked_one on your wedding :P
Wow, you GUYS got married and I didn't get an invitation? I'm hurt ;P Here I thought the game would have an auto-reject for two guys wanting to marry. So what one of you is the wife in this new-age relationship?
A very liberal server for being Russian...first Gay marriage I know of here.

I feel really dumb though, I always thought Maia was a female -_- So I had to double check heh.
haha lol gratz anyway :)
first Gay marriage I know of here.

Actually not ;)
https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4300295 and his 'sweetheart' and 'spouse' were the first.
Gratz !
congrats; errr, planning on kids soon? :D
Congratz :)

I see you have both moved into your new house together already.
congratulations! Good luck..:P
and have small kids soon..:D
Congratulations! :)

Adopt me please :P
lol, it is imposiblle :-D They are kidding :-D
If not, also congratz :-p
So what one of you is the wife in this new-age relationship? lol....

dunno for that, but gratz anyway....
wow, lucky this is legal. where I come from, its against the law. LOL

Congrats! :)
No offense but i hate Homosexual..... But still i wish you a great marriage and is there cake?
[Quote]No offense but i hate Homosexual.....
You are just 13 years old, you still have a lot to learn. Let people do what they have to do. Your opinion doesn't matter.
No offense, but i hate stupidity ;-)

Congratulations to Maia and marked_one.
really congrats!

No offense but i hate Homosexual.....

u still dont know the world. so no offense but i hate those who hate :)
Guys, it's a game, who says they are homosexual? (and if they are, keep your politics out of here, pls).

Anyway, grats. ^^
When you will have children?
No offense but...dude, how can breaking the most serious of the forum rules(2.2) and hating a whole group of people based on prejudice be "No offence." Dude, yes offence..

It is fine to not like or avoid particular people you know. But you dont know all homosexuals, right?

And the funny thread is buried. :-(

Quick congrats to Maia and marked_one.
Geez.. Have you ever heard of something called "Role playing"?

I have a "wife" too in this game. Is she really my wife?? Of course not! I don't even know her in person and I am more than 10 years older than her :)

You can find your 'other half' too in this game if you want. Same as having 'brother', 'sister', 'mom' or 'dad'.

Anyway... gratz :)
WOLS :( This is like, a month late?
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