These are the character's transfer log, who are financially aiding each other:
copied out a small size from one of the logs:
11-17-09 09:22: Received 1227 Gold from xwerty50xhs :
11-17-09 09:08: Received 8 Ore 7 Wood from xwerty50xhs :
11-17-09 09:06: Transferred 65 Gold to xwerty50xhs :
11-17-09 09:06: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] to xwerty50xhs
11-17-09 09:06: Transferred item(s): 'Leather armor' [11/25] to xwerty50xhs
11-17-09 09:05: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] to xwerty50xhs
11-17-09 09:05: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter boots' [9/10] to xwerty50xhs
11-17-09 09:05: Transferred item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] to xwerty50xhs
11-17-09 08:48: Transferred 3773 Gold 6 Gems 3 Crystals 5 Sulfur 5 Mercury 6 Ore 5 Wood to xwerty50xhs :
11-17-09 08:38: Received 97 Gold from xwerty50xhj :
11-17-09 08:37: Received item(s): 'Hunter pendant' [10/10] from xwerty50xhj
11-17-09 08:34: Received item(s): 'Hunter shirt' [10/10] from xwerty52xhs
11-17-09 08:34: Received item(s): 'Hunter hat' [10/10] from xwerty52xhs |