Poor leggy has lost quite gold from loans!
Starting from this guy:
09-07-09 14:04: Transferred 370000 Gold to hunt4food : remember yoooo...
The loan was giving to buy a TGI and return the TGI to leggy when reached level 2 but hunt4food didn't and will never be becuase of the updates!
Thieves' guild: 0 (3) +47
also this loan to sqbany wasn't return within a month
06-08-09 23:58: Transferred 100000 Gold to sqbany : loan for several days...remember...
Because the player lost all on Roulette
Roulette bets total: 1,378,696
Roulette winnings total: 1,144,172
Not to mention that this player is a multi of ofca! |