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AuthorDamage Calculator
[Post deleted by moderator Takesister // He made an online damage calculator . Contact him for the program]

for SirSooth:

Well I wont check that out, too much phising sites running around.
It's not asking for personal information, nor collecting personal information, nor loading anything malicious.
Screenshot of it: http://i48.tinypic.com/347v5z5.png

I don't want to criticise, but you damage formula seems to be wrong. If attacker has eg. 10 attack and 10-20 damage, and defender has 30 defense, then damage dealt would be 5-10. Your calculator shows 1-10. Minimum damage is somehow... not correct.
for SirSooth:
That does not mean that there is no script running in the background on that site that does malicious things or a macro in your program that places a trojan horse.

Do not post links to such programs again.
jah man it's good but instead of having to type in all the stats again why not make it so already has the stats of the monsters and you just have to enter your faction skill level and current parameters, then select what monsters you want to calculate for. though i may be overcomplicating...
I tried with the exact same data and it displayed and got: minimul damage 5, maximul damage 13. Can you please show a screenshot of the problem?

Can't you right click right -> view source ? It's not an executable nor anything else. It's just an plain html page.
#8 I was planing to do that, but I need links to all monsters in the game to view their stats. Then you could select monster and place your character skills to make it easier.
jah spellblaster is right, it seems the min damage decreases by 100% for 20 point difference in attack and defence when it should be 50%
I just applied the formula. What can be wrong?
I think I found where the problem was. Tell me if it works ok now.
[Post deleted by moderator Pang // ]
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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