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AuthorSlander and very likely mult

Proof of slander... o_0 i didnt really think it through when i named the picture... my bad...

Also she wasnt previously provoked...

Triple `s profile page

Social surgent`s

Also from triple trix`s combat log

11-30-09 13:16: • dragon_1[7] vs TripleTrix[7], SocialSurgery[7]
11-30-09 11:53: • king_of_gunner[7] vs TripleTrix[7], SocialSurgery[7]
11-30-09 10:49: • dragon_1[7] vs SocialSurgery[7], TripleTrix[7]
11-29-09 23:32: • Lord_Vega[7] vs SocialSurgery[7], TripleTrix[7]
11-28-09 10:51: • king_of_gunner[7] vs SocialSurgery[7], TripleTrix[7]
11-28-09 07:34: • Kshitiz45[7] vs TripleTrix[7], SocialSurgery[7]
11-27-09 03:50: • pokerkid[7] vs SocialSurgery[7], TripleTrix[7]
11-28-09 05:15: • ghostrideria[7] vs TripleTrix[7], SocialSurgery[7]

Yes thats right every single time tripletrix is ambushed social is also there...
from triples info

~Homeland Security~

Black Book of Bandits Bagged:
-=Level 7=-
o Tartarstan: 1x
o Koriey: 1x
o balsatic: 2x
o Rekkin: 1x
o Balanud: 1x
o Runy: 1x
o pjk: 1x
o PlayandSkillz: 2x
o convitxx: 2x
o filowarrior: 1x
o kira: 1x
o Phoenician: 2x
o Persephona: 1x
o RavenDP2: 1x
o Skram: 1x
o ghostrideria: 2x
o I-ChUdO-I: 3x
o pokerkid: 2x
o Ssgsd: 1x
o nahdont: 1x
o Tutor: 1x
o chavv: 1x
o Leto: 1x
o ctpax: 1x
o Nutella: 1x (Just because you lose some fights, it doesn't warrant you to throw a tantrum. Take it easy, girl.)
o chasovoj: 1x
o Argat: 1x
o Tondas: 1x
o Kshitiz45: 1x
o king_of_gunner: 2x
o Lord_Vega: 1x
o dragon_1: 2x
from socials info

~Homeland Security~

Black Book of Bandits Bagged:

-== Level 7 ==-

o Balanud killed: 1
o Balsatic killed: 2
o Chasovoj killed: 1
o Chavv killed: 1
o Convitxx killed: 2
o Ctpax killed: 1
o Dragon_1 killed: 2
o Filowarrior killed: 1
o Ghostrideria killed: 2
o I-ChUdO-I killed: 4
o Kira killed: 1
o King_of_gunner killed: 2
o Koriey killed: 1
o Kshitiz45 killed: 1
o Leto killed: 1
o Lord_Vega killed: 1
o Nahdont killed: 1
o Nutella killed: 1
o Persefona killed: 1
o Phoenician killed: 2
o Pjk killed: 1
o PlayandSkillz killed: 2
o Pokerkid killed: 2
o RavenDP2 killed: 1
o Rekkin killed: 1
o Ssgsd killed: 1
o Skram killed: 1
o Tatarstan killed: 1
o Tondas killed: 1
o Tutor killed: 2

Are you acquainted with the threat of being killed?
1) That's not slander. The battle description was not defamatory, malicious, or false in any way. The private mail, I'm about to copy and paste, sent to me is undeniable proof.

# Date: 2009-12-01 01:42:45
# From: DeasprateDesire
# To: TripleTrix
# Subject: ....

nobody will join that rigged game especially with you having thatmany arts...


2) Social is a friend of mine. We play LWM on ventrilo so we synchronize our travelling together. I'm sure the admins can vouch for us - all they have to do is trace our IP. I can assuredly say that SocialSurgery has never once logged on from my IP as of yet.

3) By looking at your photobucket link, I'd say if anyone were to be punished it would be you. "http://i357.photobucket.com/albums/oo15/ArtOfKami/DumbassTripleTrix1.jpg?t=1259638795&quo t; Right after "ArtOfKami" it blatantly says 'Dumbass'.
TheImmortalSin's profile: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4481027

So there's no discrepancy that DeasprateDesire is TheImmortalSin's multi.
Your aspose to reply pm to a account named "insults"
thats actually not proof at all your just typing it...

Of course i also apologized for it o_0 the punishment would be deleting that link and re posting

Can a mod delete his post for personal comments

You specificly targetted me with something i found farily offensive and it is considerd mocking even if i didnt find it offensive...

And that was just a suspicion
Im the ADDITIONAL ACCOUNT of DeasprateDesire

Its not against the rules for me to report cheaters, but ADDITIONAL accounts are not alowwed to post in the "main" section of the forum. (the one entitled main forums... its at the top)

Just wanted to correct him when he called me a "mult"
It seems that DeasprateDesire is attempting to start a fight over nothing --

and he's doing this through his multi account because his main got BANNED for displaying inappropriate behavior on the forum.

I'm slightly offended of being accused of being the same person as tripletrix, and being called a cheater.

We play this game legitimately, and it's a shame that such a poor spoken individual such as yourself has seen fit to insult and blacken our names because of a lighthearted taunt.
You're quite funny to keep up this charade. If an admin wishes it, I'll forward the mail you sent me.

To my recollection, I'm allowed to defend myself in a post where, in all honesty, -I AM- being slandered. And I'm sorry if you took it very offensively because I couldn't derive anything remotely offense in that description. You even sent me more spam to my private mail in the hour before you were going to post.

# Date: 2009-12-01 03:13:37
# From: TheImmortalSin
# To: TripleTrix
# Subject: HAH

Took screen shot uploading to photobucket and reporting :3

Which also vouches for the fact that you created the photobucket link which had 'Dumbass' in it.

And even if you had suspicions, you voiced them by insinuating that Social and I are the same person. So don't give the admins the 'run-around' and pretend like you're innocent just to get me punished for something that isn't even worth their time.
I'm a 'her', by the way. And, again, please get your facts straight. I did not call you a "mult" whatever that may mean. I just pointed out that you had a "multi" - (short for multiple) additional character(s). I'm fully aware it's not against the rules, just using the link as a basis that that in fact is your other character.
okay 0

"mult" implies its a cheating additional character...
thats why u dont see "addi financial assist" or such such in topic names o_0
because addi is just as simple to type as mult


I dont care if your male of female, the gender you chose for your character is in no way proof of your gender. (frankly i type "he" or "him" by habbit anyways and i tend to type to fast and not check spelling or grammer as you can easily see..)


Said it was suspicious and they should look into you being the same person


i know i made that link IF YOU LOOK UP I POSTED IT


the only undeniable proof if my screen shot of your slander


every comment is going to be deleted witch might include this one


my main was falsly banned XD but rather then complaining about it and waiting on admins i decided to just continue reporting cheaters and ignoring the offgame forum to the best of my abilities...


Theese are the facts.... once again

Suspicious that theyre in ambushes together 100%
(doesnt prove anything hence the reason its SUSPICIOUS and normally i wouldnt care if not for #2)

same player information in the same format...
(slightly more suspcious figure the admin could look into it)

TripleTrix deliberatly made a group battle description belittling me witch i found farily offensive and decided to report.
(because really man... someone who tries to rigs game who talks down at someone really makes that other someone seem pritty bad... even if the games rigged to play with a friend its still rigged.)

A unrelated fact...
You can have a mult and have it never be on the same i.p adress as yours...
You're being AMAZINGLY redundant and ignorant for not reading my posts above. Yes, you're right we could have the same IP and be the same person, but that saying goes for anyone else playing on LWM. Fortunately, if you trace the IP to its source you can tell that Social and I are undoubtedly from two different places.

You're right talking down at someone really does make someone feel horrid, but I didn't do that. This will be my last reply unless you fabricate another story.

If you're so worried about the posts getting deleted, why don't you stop repeating yourself by rewording your previous posts?
Sorry, that was meant to be on this account. My sister's turn on the computer, but these posts are honestly aggravating me so I checked on her account.
Im not rewording anything... You just dont seem to be reading everything...

Like i just said having diffrent ip`s doesnt mean anything except your not playing from the same connection... witch doesnt prove you arent the same person...

And posting on your sisters account just makes it even more suspicious...

If you dont want to be aggravated dont go around provoking and trying to belittle people, YES IT IS AGAINST THE RULES...

(i have a obsession with getting the last word... does that count for anything?)
Why would it be suspicious, you can check our transfer/battle logs, we haven't broken any rules.
Well you and your sister can enroll for each other...

The chances of 100% the same 2 ppl getting in same ambush even if they do travel at same time is low... especialy that many times in a row... o_0
considering the fact you cant really leave the same second as someone you dont live near...

Theres alot of ways to exploit the game without it being obvious...
I already explained the situation to you about SocialSurgery. And you're right we could, but that goes for anyone else with family members on the same IP. So there's no way to prove it unless the admin actually lived with these type of people.

First things first.

1) Officially, screen shots are not considered valid proof by admin. Any screen shot is photoshop-able. Neither is copy-and-pasting a PM since you can easily edit the text.

2) There is no offence of traveling together as long as they are not the characters of the same person.

3) The list of "Bandits bagged" is not really offensive. But please don't accuse people of throwing tantrums

4) "mult" is not an offensive word, nor does it imply cheating

5) If there is any evidence of anyone posting using another character's account, even if you just happen to be checking with his/her account, you will be severely punished for account sharing.

6) If the battle description is as stated above, refrain from doing it ever again. Be nice to your fellow players.

7) As long as a player is accused of anything, he or she is allowed to defend him/herself and provide additional information. But please do not use that right to sling mud back.

Enough mud-slinging on both sides. Cool down and forget about it. Do not do any more silly things.

If you really feel aggrieved, PM Insults or Arctic. Else Thread Closed.
closed by Lady Takesister (2009-12-01 08:59:51)
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