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AuthorHappy thiefs vs. Sad thiefs
Of all of those who straggle against time today, Write here what are your feelings, and are you going to get rich or only dream about getting rich ?

I got 3 battles to win, and have just lost to 2 players. So got an hour to waste and spam the forum.
Share your feelings :)
Well, you are racing to TG4. There are people that are racing to TG2 and I think that many of them are veeeery sad.
I reached TG 4 this morning and yes, I am happy now :P
I wonder what will happen to the ones, that dont make it. Is administration so cold hearted to block all those? And what about the sad TGI owners, who are about to lose their precious TGIs, because renters didnt win the race...
Ah well, im glad they announced it several weeks ahead, and not like some other updates; "from now on ..."

I saw javi with the same problem, he needs 7 more victories....
I don't think it will be right on 1st december 00:00 server time... maybe there will be a few more hours to let people do it.

And congrats overclocker!
2 to go :)
go mate go :D
I'm nervous right now. I have 5 more wins to go, but I just lost to the DE "death dealer" caravan (souped up hero, lizards and hydras). Looking at the clock... I need a winning streak like the one that i just had snapped to pull this off in time.
I suggest renting enchanted arts. In retrospect i wouldn't have needed them a "normal" full art set would have been sufficent.

But i didn'T want to go through all that hassle and rented a sword and dagger for my last 10 battles i think. 10 straight wins, took me like 4 hours or so. I recommend it, especially if u get close and nervous.
Kotrin has rented to me an enchanted SoM. Let me tell you, that extra firepower has helped out in some of these battles I've had today.

Specifically these stand out:


Could I have won those with my mithril longsword [E5]? Maybe, but they would have been a lot closer.
I started 2 weeks ago with the new changes and was totally overwhelmed. I had studied tactics, spent a whole level 6 castle for barbarian and really had a plan. I was saving gold and did only about 3 fights in level 6 to get TG2 within this level.

Well, my plan was totally useless with the new map, I lost a whole day with barbarian tries. Luckily the map favoured wizards more then before in ambush and in 9 stressfull days I made it to TG2. I'm really happy that it's over and I finished in time, even more, because the TGI renter is a real life friend of mine, so sad news would have been a bit harder to deliver then just quitting character and let alone some anonymous guy.

And I feel kind of sorry with the people, who won't make it in time and the ones, who will lost their TGI. But well, you had been warned and everyone who took the risk, will now have the bill.
I have 5 wins to go until TG4. I have just been offered to rent an enchanted thief dagger (4x10) to use for those battles. The thing is that I would have to ditch my tower shield in order to use it. My question is if it's worth it to sacrifice a whopping 5 defense for the extra firepower of an enchanted dagger. As a knight, I feel that the risk/reward balance is leaning too much towards risk with this move. Yes, I can kill more enemies per hit, but as everyone knows our troops are slow and the reduced defense might end up hurting me. I need opinions, people. To use the enchanted dagger or not to use it?
^^ Its a general rule, against huge number of troops while yours is quite slow all you need is strong defence and precise timing to deliver each attack.
1st of all 1 to go. I am definetly happy. but it wasn't an easy thing to pull off. I started about a month ago when i was just about 30 wins after the 2nd TG, so i got myself a thief set, switched to DE and it was more than enough to win 100+ battles, but than the new rule came in, and I leveled up, and suddenly nothing was enough, endless losing streaks with deadly caravans. to be most perfectly honest, if not my clan and clan-brothers, I got the best equipment there is, and suddenly it became possible.

Javi - my suggestion, try it, it might be just the thing you need. in my case with DE it was the perfect thing. but i am not familiar with knight tactics. just get enchanted arts, all of them, with a longbow as well, and it will be possible.
I agree with that assessment, so I decided to respectfully decline the offer for the dagger and stick with the tower shield.
damn lost one to mages caravan. damn unlucky. still 1 left
I was a little closer than MrHellRaise when I started my rush. It's all a blur now but as I recall it's about the 10th of this month and I need about 200 points to TG4. It does not sounds too bad, about 10 win per day -- that was my optimistic thought.
There were good days and bad days on the way but I made it on the 25th. The map change did not seems to affect me much-- I was not that good at strategic before anyway as I was not playing DE for long. And it turned out that those ambushes right after reaching level 12 were relatively easy. I was afraid at the beginning that I could not win once leveling up because of the 20% increases of the caravan size. The worry was gone soon and the fights were quite enjoyable.
Now I can go back to workaholic mode and try to get ready for the next event. With all the updates, the gold is just rushing out...
for Javi: ^^ Just look at your last vs necro, think its good if you focus initial troops placement at one corner/side rather than spread them out. Let they come to you, necro is slow type and use fast unit like griffin to block bowmen. Hope it works better next time, keep trying :)
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