Author | message contains forbidden link |
I got this when i was about to send a message in german language to a Player. This never happens before. And in the Message was not a single Link involved.
"Warum das ganze eingefuehrt wurde ist mir ein raetsel? Soll vermutlich verhindern das Spieler wie Tamplier oder Ethereality ausschliesslich enrollen ohne auch nur einen kampf zu gewinnen, und so zu low-level Multimillionaeren werden. Dieser Tamplier hat sich jetzt aber 3 Hotels gekauft und ist daher eigentlich gar nicht mehr so reich, ebenso wie viele andere die sich ein Hotel gegoennt haben."
So i think this could be a technical Problem. |
This is the forbidden 'link'. :D |
The content is some people complaining about low level millionares, they only enroll and have not won a single combat. Tamplier bought 3 houses when he doesn't really need them(nor does he have money to up his houses) when other players want to buy them :( |
I had same problem on a message few days ago. After some testing i found the word "travian" counted as forbidden link :-) |
hmm, ok :-/. It is a bit irritating, that names are considered as "Links". Maybe the system should point out what exactly is considered as a link, so you can avoid that.
But thanks for explanations. :) |
closed by Lord Gott (2009-11-27 18:51:38) |