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Author----------- Min AP ---------- (AP Cheaters)
I want to play equal 3vs3 battle, with min AP

But others caming with full artifacts and battle becomes the unfair, not equal.

I crateing fight with
3vs3 8lvl
description: "------------------- 8 AP ------------------------"

And comes AP cheters like
desigirl[8] https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=484853399&lt=-1
Incredibia[8 https://www.lordswm.com/warlog.php?warid=484832391

I want good, fun and equal game. And ap cheaters destroys all game fun.

What we can do to AP Cheaters?
Can AP cheters get ban or else?

(sory for bad english)
We can do nothing but create a list here, and bump the topic with new names.
Description break isnt an offense by the rules, but it is surely not too ethic.
we should find a way to punish them ! i hate ap cheaters !
Go suggest an AP allocation box as an option when creating GBs.
Why should they be punished they stimulate the game economy. Without these 'AP' cheaters we would not be able to enroll easily. If you want to even out the score wear full arts too
in all vs all I normally ask others to attack all together the "cheater" and then fight regularly ... many times in 2 rounds the "cheater" is wiped out and get very few XP ... in a GB, though, this is not possible ...

Anyway, Desigirl is not new to this ... she only plays like that ...
Not much can be done against this.

You can play with players of your clan, it's the only way to avoid this. It's also funny somehow to join battles intended to be unfair, but it's rare to have a decent chance to win.
A number of clans require adherence to descriptions, you could join one and do clan only GBs.
closed by Pang (2009-11-26 20:02:21)
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