Author | Lost 2,920 gold |
I'm writting here, because I lost today 2,920 of gold. For someone it's nothing but for me it's much. Why I writting here and how I lost it?
It's simple. When I was buying an Amulet of Luck I wrote that I want to buy 2 amulets and click "2" on keyboard and accept. I pay 2x 2,920 gold so I should have to 2 amulets. But when I looked to my inventory there was only 1 amulet.
Explain me why?
Kani |
you can buy one in just a click.
If you want to buy two, then click buy again after buying the first one. |
You can only buy one artifact at once.
So you just lost 2920 gold once and not twice |
Yes I lost once 2920 of gold but this game is stupid for me. Why player can choose for example : buy 3 amulets when he gets only one?!
It must be upgraded or deleted in my opinion. Not only me is losing at now some gold and they don't know why. . . |
He means that you used just 2920g once to buy 1 amulet, doesn't matter what value you input, it will only let you buy once, you didn't lose any gold. |
The reason you can only buy one at a time is to stop hoarders from abusing the system by buying multiple ones with a click and then posting on the market for an overprice. Buying one at a time gives everyone a decent chance to grab artifacts.
Post number 5 is correct, you did not lose gold. |
closed by Zyanya (2009-12-06 14:39:17) |