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I think faction skill 3 reward of 1% is initiative is just useless.Please make it 1 attack or 1 defense.
I think faction skill 3 reward of 1% is initiative is just useless.Please make it 1 attack or 1 defense.
Then what's the use of having attack or defense when you don't get your turn to attack?
you can always get a turn and 1 attack makes the attack 5% more

but 1% initiative doesn't make much difference
Then why would people spend thousands, if not a million gold to expensive arts and lots of frustration to reach TG5 to get 5% initiative?
And why the initiative artifacts are more expensive then the attack/defence artifacts?
1% ini gives you more chances to attack first, such as elven bows to attack others elven often determines wich elf will win, for exemple.

It may seems worthless, but in the end, it can change much things.

Also, later on, several ini bonus stack, giving a real advantage over neutrals.
I, for one, am quite fond of initiative bonuses.
initiative helps alot. and there are arts for attack and defense
but 1% initiative doesn't make much difference

This statement only shows that you don't know too much about this game...

I would exchange 5-10 attack for 5-10% initiative anytime. As the others said, initiative is very expensive, and is so for a reason.
it helps when you fight someone of your own faction
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