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AuthorRepairing Weapons
If i have a weapon of for e.g. 2 durability how can i repair it or something like that?
only 0 durability weapons can be repaired.
1) Artefacts can be repaired only when they reach 0/x durability
2) You must have 6th colmbat level or higher and have "Blacksmith" built in your castle.
3) Repairing costs money and you won't repair much until you have high Smith skill


1') You can pay other players to repair your artifacts, but this is available only after you reach 3rd combat level


1'') You can sell the artefact and buy a new one instead
A weapons durability will look like X/Y
X decreases with 1 each time you use it in a battle.
You can ONLY repair an artifact when X=0.
So for example, you buy a sword with 30/30 durability.
You use it in 30 battles then it becomes 0/30.
Then you have to repair it yourself (blacksmith in castle, combat level 6 and higher) or ask someone else to repair it for you.
The higher the smiths level, the better the repair.
After each repair Y will decrease with 1.
So after a repair it will be 9/29 for example (or a better smith can repair it from 0/30 to 18/30)
for MightySordax:

And please, read "About the game", game rules and different FAQs before asking other questions :)
closed by MightySordax (2009-11-15 18:34:33)
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