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AuthorDwarves War
does anyone know these questions:

can ONLY military clans fight the Dwarves?

will the Dwarves use enchantsl, and if so, what type, and how powerful?
Not only military clan can fight in the war, people without one can do that too.
But military clans get a reward from the empire (according to their successes).

now, can anyone pls answer:

will the Dwarves use enchantsl, and if so, what type, and how powerful?
yes - Dwarves will use enchants,runes and magic.

Most dwarves heroes have high enchanted weapon, mostly 4*10
:o i thought it was just gonna be like the dragons. but sounds like it may be tough!
yes it is tough, and they have very good enchants
and when the war start ?
when will it be?
"Most dwarves heroes have high enchanted weapon, mostly 4*10 "

i see!
where do you get this info from, so i can read all about it?
where do you get this info from?
.ru and those who play there :)
Not only military clan can fight in the war, people without one can do that too.
But military clans get a reward from the empire (according to their successes).

So if I am not in a warclan. The only "disadvantage" is that I wont receive a reward (in gold?) from the empire?
So besides the gold, it doesnt matter at all if you are in a warclan or not?
So in the case of a dwarf war, it doesnt matter at all in which warclan you are, because the reward is based on individual effort and not of your clans ?
The War clan reward need not only be gold. It could be a rare art or a medal, I believe

You can get the individual effort prize and the warclan prize.

And you can set up battles with your warclan only on your side against the dwarves.
So in other words, every high level player is "forced" to join any warclan...
In general I hate clans, but if there is no other choice....
When will it be? (Second post,no one answer)
When will it be?
The few who have any idea when it will happen will most certanly not answer :)

And you can set up battles with your warclan only on your side against the dwarves.
This does not mean that 'clanless' people can't participate in war. They can, and they can even get certain rewards (not all )
But I do believe that war (at least as it was on ru) is best expirienced as part of clan.
My opinion only :)
#15 it is surely as you say, and yet, one does like to know his/her companions if fighting side by side.

Joining an established clan just for war might be a good experience, but it might also fall in the bad side of the thing, suffice to look at the many half alive clans who host players that don't even know who is inside.

Not to talk about those players who just join 10's and never do as much as write a line on the respective forums..

Personally i had hoped to find a small group of people that would make acquaintance with each other, and then one thing leading to another would make up a clan, friendly, knowing what to expect from all..

Instead, it goes like "hey i made a clan, all join!" and *sigh* people do join..

Oh, well, i'll try war anyway when it comes, and bye to the rewards ^^
then telca, perhaps you should look up my military clan :D
we all know eachother...

anyway, i have received my answers:

can ONLY military clans fight the Dwarves?
no, all can, but prices will be better with clans.

will the Dwarves use enchants, and if so, what type, and how powerful?
yes. the best there is.

When will it be?
The few who have any idea when it will happen will most certanly not answer :)

closing this thread and opening a new one regarding "control of areas and facilities".
closed by Lady misaisagona (2009-11-15 18:18:06)
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