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Authorwhich which which which which which which which which ????
which faction is the best
from every point of view
i have invested a lot in knight but i feel that elf isthe bes ,then necro ,then dark elf , and so on
pls tell me the right order
[Player banned by moderator Arctic until 2009-11-14 09:01:20 // Make titles of your threads correspond to the rules.]
umm it's really hard to tell but i would suggest knight, defensive, and barb
all factions are equally powerful!!
all factions are equal
Players are playing different factions some are fond of one factions, others - of another one. It is really a personal preference and an ability to learn the optimal strategy. if any one faction was best, everyone would be playing it, wouldn't they?
for Arctic:

That depends on your definition of "best" :)

Let's imagine that some race (let's call it R1) can win 90% of time against five other races (R2-R6), but loses 90% of time to the remaining race (R7), which in turn loses 90% of time to R2-R6. Will R1 be the best? Will R7 be the best? Maybe one of R2-R6 would be the best?

My opinion.

Dark Elf
Knight, Demon

Big gap


Now that's my totally "unbiased" opinion :D
Knights 16.0%
Necromancers 13.3%
Wizards 11.3%
Elves 20.5%
Barbarians 12.2%
Dark elves 19.1%
Demons 7.7%

thats what people play

i actually think there is no "best", generally i feel so far up to lvl 6, the person with the best arts usually wins
Thats what people play..they play elves because they want to have bowmen at level 3. I wouldnt bet on one faction to be the best. Some factions work better against other. Thats about it.
for dntdotht:
that isn't what they think is best. alot of people change faction so they can get the 3% faction resistance and then they'll switch back to their favorite another time
closed by Arctic (2009-11-14 12:50:18)
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