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Authorwhy when i theif ambush
why when i don't want to be ambush by theif's i get ambushed when i want to get ambushed i can't get ambush why that ?
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Queries and help".
this game has a frustration algorithm implemented specially for you!
why are you always ask some silly questions which you will never get the answer?
for Pang: am not asking sily questions
It's Murphy's Law young expert~ which is present in every aspect of every thing in this world

Also it is a silly question :P
M8 its totaly random you could say your luck or Murphy's Law as you wish the fact remains this game has many random factors exaactl like our life
1) It is a silly question ;)

2) Avoid traveling between this locations:
yellow lake and great capital
seraph's tears and east bay

3) Ambush is totally random, you just need to be lucky
Expert! U are unlucky n.... Silly
A little tolerance would be good instead of dismissing someone else curiosity as 'silly', no?

Most of us may be 'mature' age-wise, but since this game has no age limit, it's possible that the person asking a Q could be a young kid of 6-7 years old. I'm sure if it was your child/niece/nephew etc, you wouldn't say it was silly to ask that Q. What may be silly to us may not be to another.

And before any of you start on your replies, I know for a fact that are people as young as 7 years old playing here, and the thread starter is indeed a young child, since he has mailed me often asking about the game.

Anyway, just sharing my thoughts and hope it doesn't offend anyone.

why when i don't want to be ambush by theif's i get ambushed

If you don't wanna be ambushed often, then

- travel as little as you can,
- If you have to travel, take the less popular routes,
- travel with less than 40% health, and you won't get ambushed.

when i want to get ambushed i can't get ambush why that ?

Conversely, if you wanna increase your chance of getting ambushed by a thief, just keep traveling back and forth the popular ambush routes [YL <-> GC etc] and sooner or later, you will get ambushes.

Hope this helps. Good luck.
A "silly" question generated lot of silly answers, only exception Jedi-Knight answer. Good job, Jedi
[Post deleted by moderator Omega22 // Request]
But the word silly is showing itself here too frequently.

Closing before banning for flood, insults, etc. takes place.
closed by Omega22 (2009-11-12 23:07:24)
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