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AuthorFilowarrior - TGI not returned after a month
Transfer log of filowarrior -

Character id : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?id=4552897

Transfer Log : https://www.lordswm.com/pl_transfers.php?id=4552897

10-06-09 07:27: Received item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] from TimeWaster . Transaction price: 1 Gold

It has been exactly 1 month 6 days since filowarrior rented timewaster's tgi .
Thieves' guild: 1 (65) +55

Just wait till he becomes level 2 then we'll see if he wants to return or not!
For heartbreakkid:
any ingame property cannot be leased out for more then a month even if the leasor wishes to . It can lead to a fine or worse a block .
Erebes, I don't know where you got that rule from, but...

Rules 3.21

Leasing artifacts, Thief Guild Invitation and other non-monetary valuables is allowed. Borrowing and loaning gold with no interest is allowed. Every transaction must be signed properly, indicating the terms of loan.

There is no mentioned time limit, which would be a term of the loan! If the parties agree on a longer renting time I can see no problem. But as far as I have understood it, when no leasing time is specified in the transferlog a standard leasing time of 1 month is supposed.
11. No application from the victim - is considered as no claims from him/her.
For tigerclaw :
exactly, a time of one month is supposed . If the lease is within that period then only it can be considered a lease , otherwise it is illegal !

For chakkal :
so i rent a tgi from a person and he never comes onlyn since then . All good good , no clain from the victim and hurray i got a free tgi .
Third-party comments are allowed only for providing additional facts about the affair

Well, I've seen other cases where someone didn't manage to get TGI in one month and made a deal with the leaser for an extension of leasing period (which in most cases is better than losing your TGI and was considered legal). Anyway you could have first sent a pm to the leaser to see if he gave an extension and if not advise him to make a complain.
for Erekose:
he has sent me many pms and refused to believe that i have extended filowarriors loan time...this topic can be closed, i have asked Arctic he says that I can extend his loan period.
for Erebes:
people people i'll finsh but i'll have to pay the loan when i dont finsh in time
3.17. The Administration does not take responsibility for the unreturned debts and does not guarantee compensation in case of swindling by other players. When a loan is not returned in time, (the time must be written in the transfer logs,no more than a month ) the swindler will be imposed a penalty of a sum twice as much. If the term isn't posted in the transfer logs, the penalty will occur 1 month after the loan transaction. The creditor does not get compensation.
no more than a month
3.14. Large transfers without cause and description are prohibited. All debts must be returned withinone month after receiving, or else the transaction will be regarded as violation of par. 3.6. When giving or returning debts, providing the transfer description is compulsory.
for Erebes:
i hate to point it out again but i've asked Arctic, this is between me and filowarrior and I HAVE EXTENDED HIS LOAN so leave him alone.
for TimeWaster:
I am quoting lines from the official rules , not saying anything out of the air .

and the rules specifically state that any type of loan , whether the leasor wishes or not , cannot be extended beyond a month !
11. No application from the victim - is considered as no claims from him/her.

this is also quoted from the rules and if you really care about the rules so much that TGI is roughly 30% of my net worth, consider it a gift!
3.15. Large transfers for the reason of leaving the game etc. are forbidden. Presents must not exceed 30% of the monetary property of the character per month. Monetary property is considered: gold + seven primary resources (wood, ore, mercury, sulfur, crystals, gems, leather) only. Rare trophies, Thief invitations, etc. transferred as gifts are valued at market price.

It was not even 50% of your earnings , even if we consider that you bought another tgi !
It was not even 50% of your earnings
you're finally right about something! it's not even 50% it's roughly 30%.
You have got 2390 gold now . if we value each tgi at 350000 .

Two tgi = 2x350000 = 700000 .

Your total worth = 700000 + 2390 = 702390

You gave a tgi worth 350000 to filowarrior = 350000/702390 x 100 = 51% of your total worth .

Still call it 30% ?
for Moderators:
please close this topic.
Local forum rules have as much power, as the General rules, as stated in the Forum rules. https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=6

Based on Local rule 11 and my personal observations of the situation, I do not see ground for a punishing measure.

Erebes, thank you anyway.
closed by Arctic (2009-11-14 11:22:43)
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