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AuthorMy awesome day...NOT!
Today, has got to be a god abominable day.
After months of doing nothing but hunting and saving up gold for miniarts and arts, when i finally have done enough and enter the PvP arena, I get insulted, humiliated and made to feel like a complete ass
The day starts off with me wanting do play a 3vs3 pvp, I initiated the duel, full arts no enchantments as a request and set it to evenly. At a time when very few people were online (guesstimate 550) two people joined. I felt that after a lot of time, finally I’ll get to enjoy the game as it should be, player-player interaction, a good fight etc etc. Months of doing nothing but hunts, quests and farming for gold, not to mention changing faction for doing TG, made me feel restless. Afterall, it’s a game I should be enjoying it!
The 3vs3 did not go of as planned, due to an obvious lack of online players. Instead I ended up duelling one of the two players who had joined. Said player happened to be a barbarian. Any hope of even having a chance towards victory was shattered rather instantaneously.
After the quick defeat, I joined another 3vs3. This one was set to ap11 and even conditions. I knew minimum ap isnot suitable for a wizard, yet I joined in. I needed to fight in atleast one GB today. Besides, this would be the first time, the miniarts for which I saved up would be used in GB..
Not only were my team-mates not cooperative, or understanding, they actually insulted me! These insults ranged from” you stink” to “don’t fight like a sissy”. Initially I thought they were egging me on, but later on it became all too blatant that they were immature (atleast one player was..the other one was just furious)
In addition to all this nonsense, the server gets laggy..oh what fun! [/sarcasm]
The result of this stupid day, is me losing my very first GB (in a long time) as a wizard, getting -2 luck as afk penalty and quite a few rude comments. Not to mention I don’t think I’ll be doing Pvp for quite some time :(
*pats head* here's a candy to cheer you up!
This life is difficult , but it is real >:(
Full of possibilities...
But still, =)
And then u got ambushed...!

Bad luck comes in threes i think..;)
1st mistake expacting full 3vs 3 while 500 online and 2nd that evenly battle realy means even battle thats just plain wrong u can end up 3 wiz vs 3 barbs aslong they are all same lvls beter use random battle :)

Also if u after very long time without gb u need few matches just to addapt humans rarely do same mistakes as dumb AI controling npcs. u just cant expect to win ur 1st battles unless ur team is much stronger thats the horrible truth. :)

If u feel offended abt ur team-mates there section of forum called Complaints and applications - Violations in tavern and battles.
And about your afk... are you still in the warriors' guild :)?
^^ He's in WGW now ;)
take it easy
people are moody
maybe if we can get 100 people to pat him it will make it better, ill kick it off

I agree with marked_one on this as I experienced the same situation, but, at least, I wasn't insulted. I suppose it was my luck that after a long period of non-GB's, I was teamed up with players even weaker than me or from my clan. :)

And, don't worry, you can be the most experienced player here, you will make mistakes or you will find somebody enough arrogant to throw with mud at you. This is a part of interacting with players you don't know. On the other hand, you can speak with your clan leader to help you in this problem. He may have some options in his sleeve. :)

Just be patient and don't give up. Also, you can look in the others combat logs to see some strategies.
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