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AuthorThe Whining Topic (aka What Grind my Gears)
I was planning to put this in OGF but GGF seems a better place because it's all game related~

The aim of the topic is to rant all you want, knowing nothing will change no matter how much you spam the forums :P
Instead of making a dozen topic every time a Tech maintainance happens or the roul ball disappears just come here, let it loose and carry on (let loose IS NOT = using swears)

If you think you need more xp/fsp for hunt assists? shout here; shrews too strong? shout here; castle too expensive? shout here; hydras need that extra head? rant all about it!

We can later look at the topic, point and laugh at ridiculous whinings~

Ofc I'm pro at being noob and have created forum history by "Whining about whiners and whining topic" (this being another post) 8) https://www.lordswm.com/forum_messages.php?tid=1867132&page=18#277329 being another example ;)

PS - as always, feel free to toss the topic around and delete it if deemed unworthy of the interwebz!
I lost 500k in 1 month:(

I had 1 million in level 4 which is a new record;)

But I got cocky and betted more and more and I lost!!!

Why Roulette always never leaves any1 happy with his gold?
knowing nothing will change no matter how much you spam the forums :P
According to this I'm bumping this topic ^_^

[Player banned by moderator FaithBringer until 2009-11-11 10:20:01 // Don't bump topics, warning]
Um, I meant no matter how much you rant nothing will change, disobeying forum rules will as always bring the hammer crashing down~
no ban plz

I will never post again!
Why there's no news from Admin bout yesterday's problem?
for darmogathel:

*do Jedi move*
There was no problem yesterday!
One of the many things I would like to rant about.

People using chat incorrectly.

Why is it, that so many people who are not new to the game, level 3+ that is, have to come into the Inquiry room to try and sell their goods and services, or ask people to join their clan?

Do people not read the rules?

The main problem I have with these people is that they all seem to have one dirty habit in common, They are all persistent at what they do. If you warn these people once, they may listen for you for 5 minutes and then "subtly" try to drop the point that they are trying to sell "wood for 180 gold" back into the conversation trying to go unnoticed. BUT they do not go unnoticed. Yet another warning from the chat users come into play, and by now a possible "5 minute warning ban" from a chat moderator is usually dished out... But how long is 5 minutes? 5 minutes is long enough for you to stand up and make a sandwich, return and your chat "warn" is over. Is 5 minutes really enough to deter these constant pests who are only dropping their spam every 5 minutes anyway.

So they return. By now the chat users are furiously telling these people they are not interested in joining the clan, or buying the good, rather, they should try and use many of the other avenues available to the persistent gnat. So again goes a second warning ban... Usually ( As I have noticed.) another 5 minutes or if we are lucky 10 minutes.

So there are a few points to come out of my rant.

One: If you wish to come into the inquiry room, follow the rules. They can be accessed here, https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=36 .

Two: If you want someone to join your clan, Private Mail them! Or, there is a clan forum section here, https://www.lordswm.com/forum_thread.php?id=115, which you can use.

Three: Selling something? Go to the Merchant Chamber.. It may be empty, but unfortunately for you that is the designated chat room to sell stuff in. There are also several sections of the forum and a market place to sell your stuff on.

:D I'll probably rant a bit more later...
*do Jedi move*
There was no problem yesterday!

Yeah for some ppl who didn't OL yesterday
y is roullette so EVIL
for Dizbe:
Regardless of the rules, those people are just doing what makes sense. Just think from their point of view. They are recruiting people to their clans or trying to sell something. There's really only 2 main ways of going about things.

1.) Talk to specific people who are the most likely to join the clan or buy.
2.) Spam a large of people and wait for responses.

Seeing as how option1 only has few to no audience, then option2 becomes the norm.

And one of the few channels to advertise is of course the Inquiry Room. No one goes to the other chatrooms and PM is restricted to 1 person at a time with a cooldown between PMs. I'm not going to list the other good channels to advertise for fear of seeing more spammers. Also please don't encourage players to PM others. Not only do I get a lot of junk PM, but I especially hate it when the same exact person PMs me to join his clan week after week and doesn't remember/listen to not ask again. Yes, I can blacklist him, but I don't use that feature, and the even greater problem is just the large amount of players using PM to advertise. The PM level filter helps, but I've taken mine off since becoming a Sage.
If we get the new troop appearances here, I can rant all day.
If we get the new troop appearances here, I can rant all day.
i hate how the appearance facing SE/SW instead of the normal E/W direction. try to be photogenic?
for gurumao:

Thanks for creating this thread! I will make good use of it in the future... unless it gets closed of course. :)
I wish more more more creatures available for hunting :)
Since they have so many neutral creatures in events, why not leak some of them out for hunters?
Hunts are too hard!!!
Why can't I have shrews nao???
I needs moar hunt creatures!!
[Post deleted by moderator Zyanya // Sorted in mod forums :)]
Topic moved from "General game forum" to "Off-game forum".
Topic is now re-opened again, go ahead and whine all you please and try to keep such whining from other forum topics. :) keep in mind whining does not mean anything will be done about it, this is merely an outlet for your frustrations. Just stay away from insults/flaming/swearing and it should be fine.
My vamps are ugly my vamps are ugly!!
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