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why does i get ambush by the dreadfull nightmare once in 1 hour..??
i saw some1 get ambush by it every 30minutes..
Because you were doing hunting in between. They will attack at xx:23 and xx:53
(look here: https://www.lordswm.com/bselect.php)

Make sure you are doing nothing and ready to fight at that time
so at xx:23 and xx:53 i must get ready?
how do i get to fight it at xx:27?
So, that means you used 4 minutes to finish the battle.

The time shown in your combat log is the time that you finished the battle.
just now at 2:53 i was doing nothing..
why it doesn't ambush me??
Was it because you did exactly nothing? They won't attack you if you were idle for some time before :23 or :53.
what do you mean idle for some time??
i was afk i believe..
Did not refresh or visit any page for some time, not sure how long.
now i get it..
thx guys..
closed by Darkcrussedar (2009-11-01 06:34:49)
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