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Authorevil doers
i want to do a clan with only necros demons and dark elves who wants to help? im new to this game so im gonna need somone evil to help me out, by this i mean answering my questions and helping me find some potential members.
sounds good ill help
1: Gather a lot of gold 30,000 to be exact. You need 10k for clan registration and 20k when it's confirmed.

2: Level up to lv 3 and register you clan here: https://www.lordswm.com/clan_registration.php in great capital (this takes 10k)

3: Wait patiently till clan is confirmed, make sure you have 20k on you.

4: Advertise your clan here : https://www.lordswm.com/forum_thread.php?id=115

5: Invite members etc etc etc and spread the darkness
Sounds awsome, rubberduck (of evilness) is in.

Also to invite somebody it costs 500 gold, so for an invitation fee usually it is between 500-1000 but for a 1000 gold you need a good clan so try for 600-700 invitation that way you get some money going into the treasury
Also you can use Q&H help if you have any further questions about the game. We are very evil to help.
why is it so expensive? i mean i was looking at my castle stuff and thats gonna be expensive too, is there any way to go halves with somone and both lead the clan?
closed by Lord Nekromaster (2009-11-02 09:42:18)
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