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why demons Magic Guild level 2 cost very high? near 40000g. i want to become demonmage but i think it is too expansive.
[Player banned by moderator EROCS until 2009-10-25 12:35:50 // Proper title please. The topic must reflect to your question. Warning!]
Magic guild level 2 costs about 30100 gold. Where did you get the 40000 number?
Magic guild for all players cost the same amount of gold, so I dont really know what seems to be the problem.
Enroll more often, no other choice, or you can consider buying Diamonds.
and here. at 8 lvl demonmage or demonwarior better??? plz answer here ind use words as easier as you can. i dont good in english
Might demon is better.
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Anyway, your magic guild level 2 can wait. It's not a must to build it. Enroll more often, buy it when you have enough money.
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