#330 Thief Syndicate rents out TGI to Rekkin on following terms:
- TGI should be returned in 2 weeks.
-Rekkin will pay 25000 gold as prepaid
-Rekkin transfers both thief arts he gets for TG1 and TG2 to Syndicate (both arts must be full durability).We will take one of the arts of our choice.and other will be returned to Rekkin.
- After day 14 Rekkin pays 500 gold per day until TGI is returned. Partial days count as whole days.
Any transfer of received TGI is forbidden. Any trading of thief arts is forbidden, otherwise it results in a payment of 50,000 gold to Syndicate.
TGI must be returned in one month, otherwise Rekkin has to pay #330 Thief Syndicate a 400,000 gold penalty or accepts to be blocked |