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AuthorWhich faction?
1.Elf and barb vs Necromancer and x
2.Elf and de vs necro and x
3Elf and knight vs necro and x.
4Elf and demon vs necro and x

Please fill x.
What was the question?
To fill in a faction instead of x.
Factions for what?
it can vary with levels. which level are you talking.
level 5 , sry i forgot to tell this
@4: he was referring at group battles.
do you want to know what factions are goos with each other?
X = any faction.

All factions are equal, even in pairing. It's the player tactics and strategies that matter, not the faction.
Aahhh, just for the fun of it:

You can do your own list, I just like filling tests and lists.:-)

All factions are equal is the superior truth. Tactics, guilds, faction level and arts matter.
1.Elf and barb vs Necromancer and x = elf
2.Elf and de vs necro and x =barb
3Elf and knight vs necro and x. = DE
4Elf and demon vs necro and x =wizz
All factions are equal, even in pairing. It's the player tactics and strategies that matter, not the faction.

You're describing the ideal scenario, but it's far from being true. While some lower levels can be considered fairly balanced, this is anything but true for higher combat levels.

Just try to beat a (reasonably well played) knight in an ambush at level 11-12 as an elf, with (roughly) equal arts. It's nearly impossible. If you don't belive me, just ask anyone wo have tried.

I'm not saying that the imbalances are game-breaking, just pointing out that the so often quoted All factions are equal statement is very far from the truth.
All factions are equal

Restatement: All factions are as equal as possible, and if they are not, administration is working on improving the balance.

But the fact remains that there is no chance I could ever say something like: "Dont pick necro, demon is better."
Knight with full art is hardly beatable in high level ambush and elf has few pvp problems later(as clearly seen in my last ambush with Uliss).
for gem85:
That's very interesting. I'm not going to say there isn't some slight imbalances here and there, but I find it interesting that you think an elf can't beat a knight. I thought it was the other way around, so I started playing elf to get some faction level defense. But then again I haven't played knight at lvl 11-12.

But anyway my advice to anyone who feels there some sort of imbalance, to just switch factions and try it out. I feel the equal statement is meant more for overall and not specific situations.
for the fun of it:
1. Demon
2. Necro
3. Dark Elf
4. Elf
when your doing group battles i find have two of the same kind, like 2 knights is really hard to beat because of their high numbers and resistance.
same thing with elf , multi elfs are really hard to be cause of the damage their bows do
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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