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player TurboMan ( https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=TurboMan ) has the mysterious ability to instantly outbid a player who bids on anything turboman has a bid on. even tho the game says he logged off a while ago.
try it, look for something TurboMan has bid on (usually several hunter items) and bid on it. you will immediately get a message that says you have been outbid, look again and it will be turboman that has outbid you, look at turboman to see he isnt even on line.

is he cheating somehow or is there an option to automatically bid up to a certain point?
theres no edit option :{
anyways right now he has bids on hunter boots and hunter broadswords
If your first bid is high, it wont show right now, you'll just see the minimum increment, then if a player bid higher, you outbid him automaticaly (only if your first bid is hgher than his).

So no bot inolved here.
so like if the bid is 150 but he bid 1000 then it only shows the minimum increments and anything anyone else does is automatically outbid unless i bid 1001?
thats not how an auction works it should show what he bid and give me the opportunity to outbid him
wrong topic, should be in finace section, read that ones "Read Me 1st"

6. Instant raising of bids on the market - is not a 'cheat!', but the pecularity of auction mechanics instead. You can check it here: https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=27
thats not how an auction works it should show what he bid and give me the opportunity to outbid him

Actually this is a pretty common action type, the highest bidder gets the item and pays the second highest bid. This way your bid determines only whether you get the item, but not how much you pay, if you get it.
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