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AuthorSMITH EFFICIENCY calc - What durability return your smith ?
I have moderators agree to post links to my page.
Today i created a smith-efficiency calculator to avoid questions "what durability you return when repair my arts?".


Quick instructions:
- change SMITH LEVEL to see how much DURABILITY return You smith.
- change SMITH TAX to see how much You must pay to Your smith smith for repair item.

In future:
- manually set durability of item what You sending to smith (i created algorithm to count that, but i dont have accurate values of used items (like 0/79, 0/78, 0/77 etc. sell cost) to calculate dependences.
- profitability of items (when repairing is too expensive) - almost all repairs is pricier that exchange to new item (is not enchanted of course), but sometime reapiring is cheaper.

If You found a bug, please report it to me via PM - i remove it.
In future2: add repair time
Ups - calculator not working in Internet Exploders.
I will check why - and try repair it.
Now working. Stupid IE...
Nice work!


1) You have made SMITH TAX: 10%, 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, etc. by drop-down menu.
Use input field instead, because smith tax can be 25% or other.
You can add button "recalculate" to refresh (or use OnKeyUp event).

2) There is only maximum Durability on your page.
For example, for Longbow there is only Durability: 50.
Players most of the time don't have max durability.
It is easy to show calculations for all durabilities (users should be able to input their durability).

3) Some players sends me items to repair, which has durability 1/50 (for example).
They don't know that it is impossible to repair such items.

So, instead of this

Durability: 50
After repair: 30

show this

Durability: 0/50 (the number 50 here users should be able to modify)
After repair: 30/49
ADDED: Manual percentage for smith payment.

Now You can select SMITH TAX (popular values) - or enter manually percentage.

all in all, you did excellent work on this....

+5 from me...
Thanks :)
I planning to add some more - like mercenary quest, tutorials for new players etc.
ADDED: x/49 etc - i later create manual entry for durability send to smith.
Topic moved from "Smiths and Enchanters services" to "Creative works".
I need a cost of selling items when durability going down.
If possible, can you send me a some costs of sell item with lowered durability?
like: Amulet of luck 0/21 - 1213 gold, 1 ore, 1 sulfur etc....

ADDED: user can manually set durability of item (like Sword Of Might 0/45) - and change smitch level to see what will happen.

PS. I know, that low-level smith produce false result (like Wooden Sword 0/2) - i will correct it.

What You think about that calculator?
Your page is much improved indeed.
I suggested you some more changes.

Just change this

<td align="center">Wooden Sword (<b>7</b>)</td>
<td><img src="../../../pictures/items/weapon/Wooden_Sword_s.jpg" border="0" align="left" alt="Wooden Sword"></td>
<td><table border=0 class=wb><tr><td>Durability:</td><td><b>0/</b></td> ;<td><FORM name=WOODEN_SWORD><input name=WOODEN_SWORD type=text size=2 ONCHANGE='javascript:DURABILITY_RECZNIE("WOODEN_SWORD",WOODEN_SWORD.value)'></F ORM></td></tr><tr><td>After repair:</td><td colspan="2"><b><div id="durability_Wooden_Sword" class=partyt>xxxx</div></b></td></tr></table></td>

into this:

<td align="center">Wooden Sword</td>
<td><img src="../../../pictures/items/weapon/Wooden_Sword_s.jpg" border="0" align="left" alt="Wooden Sword"></td>
<td><table border=0 class=wb><tr><td>Durability of new:</td><td>7/7</td></tr><tr><td>Current durability:</td><td><FORM name=WOODEN_SWORD style="display:inline;"><b>0/</b><input name=WOODEN_SWORD type=text size=2 ONCHANGE='javascript:DURABILITY_RECZNIE("WOODEN_SWORD",WOODEN_SWORD.value)'></F ORM></td></tr><tr><td>After repair:</td><td colspan="2"><b><div id="durability_Wooden_Sword" class=partyt>xxxx</div></b></td></tr></table></td>

And tell me if you like it.
Also add default value for durability.
I.e. instead of
(in Wooden Sword case)
This is a strange forum.
Somehow the word FORM was changed into F ORM (so keep it in mind).
14 - normally user send depleted item, like Wooden Sword 0/7.
And that "After repair: 6/7" is bad - i must change it to one less. I end creating this in night. They will be: like "After repair: 5/6".

Default, system think "user send depleted item".
And they can select smith strength 0-8 level.
If user send 0/5 Wooden sword, whey go to that place, and wrote "5" that mean 0/5. Recalculeted value, like 3/4 will shown below that.
User can change smith level to see what option will be better.

There now a error, i will correct it.
Well done litwin :)
ADDED: I improved code page - now no need anymore to press only TAB when value is entered manually. Now ENTER also works!

TO CORRECT: Bug with low-durability items (like 0/2, 0/3 and low-level smith) produces false result.
ADDED: code improved.
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