Author | Illegal Transfer! |
i was checking some players transfer log n i saw this player named masterCH using his other acc to transfer gold to his acc named masterCH.I've warn him not to do that for more then 10 times but he ignore.if u dont believe me,u can check his transfer log.In his whole transfer log,most of them is illegal transfer.Most of them is illegal,got 1 he transfer 10000 gold to player darrenseet is true. | |
this player should be block or get a penalty like 100000 gold! |
for elf325:
1. If you aren't related to the application directly - don't leave your messages in it's topic. Third-party comments are allowed only for providing additional facts about the affair, or for replacing the link to warlog with the more readable battlechat. Discussions, expressing personal opinions, etc. are penalized with at least 24 hour ban. |
this is also the same player as masterCH.
He transfer most of his gold to masterCH.
he transfer a combat staff to player adam509 because adam509 is the 1 who warn him not to do illegal transfer anymore or not he will be block earlier.So he trasfer the combat staff to adam509 as a gift.So adam509 is not involve in illegal transfer.
0-06-09 12:23: Received 8792 Gold from Omega22 : Resources, mine price -2
10-06-09 12:10: Transferred 6 Gems 6 Crystals 6 Sulfur 6 Mercury 1 Ore to Omega22 : Save me again, plzz .. :) thx a lot .. :)
10-04-09 12:33: Received 1 Ore from Humpy : Gift
09-26-09 16:42: Received 84 Gold from Edwin1908 : ambush refund sorry :)
09-26-09 07:53: Transferred element(s): 'Fire crystal' 1 pcs. to Omega22 . Transaction price: 3600 Gold
09-26-09 07:53: Transferred element(s): 'Fire crystal' 1 pcs. to Omega22 . Transaction price: 3600 Gold
09-26-09 02:41: Received 168 Gold from CaligulaX : sorry for ambush
09-25-09 15:50: Transferred 950 Gold to Moonhunter : Clan Invit .. :)
09-14-09 19:38: Received 4950 Gold from Omega22 : Resources, mine price -2
09-14-09 19:19: Transferred 6 Gems 6 Crystals 3 Ore to Omega22 :
09-14-09 18:19: Received 727 Gold from Omega22 : Resources, mine price -2
09-14-09 14:37: Transferred 3 Ore 1 Wood to Omega22 :
09-14-09 13:23: Sold item: "Hunter pendant" [10/10] for 310 gold to tumay as lot #854906. Commission: 3
09-13-09 15:46: Received 70 Gold from Edwin1908 : sorry for ambush
09-13-09 11:24: Received 1 Gold from DarkMagicain : the 9k is not a gift plz return soon
09-13-09 09:33: Received 9000 Gold from DarkMagicain : Gift:)
09-12-09 08:58: Received 1101 Gold from Omega22 : Mine price -2
09-11-09 23:43: Transferred 3 Sulfur to Omega22 :
09-11-09 22:05: Received 12000 Gold from binghuo : loan for 1 week
09-11-09 21:56: Received 3000 Gold from LordCraven : Loan ^^
09-11-09 21:42: Transferred element(s): 'Fire crystal' 1 pcs. to binghuo . Transaction price: 3600 Gold
09-11-09 20:09: Received 78 Gold from Oysar : Ambush relief fund
09-11-09 18:45: Received 3294 Gold from Omega22 : mine price -2, dont play roulette :-)
09-11-09 18:34: Transferred 3 Gems 3 Crystals 6 Ore to Omega22 : Again, save my life .. :)
09-11-09 18:33: Received 6373 Gold from Omega22 : Mine price -2
09-11-09 17:34: Transferred 1 Sulfur 11 Mercury 11 Ore to Omega22 : Save me again, plzz and thx a lot .. :)
09-10-09 20:03: Received item(s): 'Sword of might' [80/80] from palkiax
09-10-09 16:24: Item returned: "Sword of might" [44/80] to DEATHisNEAR
09-10-09 16:09: Received item(s): 'Sword of might' [45/80] to be returned until 11-09-09 04:09 ; for 1 battles from DEATHisNEAR . Transaction price: 200 Gold
09-10-09 15:54: Received 1050 Gold from RandhyDBest :
09-10-09 08:46: Received 8790 Gold from Omega22 : Resources, mine price -2
09-10-09 00:31: Item returned: "Sword of might" [45/80] to DEATHisNEAR
09-10-09 00:28: Received item(s): 'Sword of might' [46/80] to be returned until 10-09-09 12:28 ; for 1 battles from DEATHisNEAR . Transaction price: 200 Gold
09-10-09 00:01: Transferred 6 Gems 6 Crystals 6 Sulfur 6 Mercury to Omega22 : Save me again .. :)
09-09-09 23:11: Received 175 Gold from RandhyDDarks :
09-09-09 23:10: Received 262 Gold from RandhyWang :
09-09-09 23:09: Received 525 Gold from RandhyDBest :
09-09-09 22:22: Transferred element(s): 'Abrasive' 1 pcs. to Omega22 . Transaction price: 400 Gold
09-09-09 22:15: Transferred element(s): 'Ice crystal' 1 pcs. to Omega22 . Transaction price: 5500 Gold
09-09-09 21:29: Received 515 Gold from RandhyDDarks : |