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AuthorMQ "Faction"-Brigands {n} increment
Does n increment when you are not attack?
Why sometimes n does not increment after a win?
(see last page of the great marked_one combat log)
He doesn't turn them in within the time limit, so it stays the same difficulty every time, there's plenty of players who do this, take a look at Xeno's: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=Xeno combat log for example
Ok thanks (I should have guess that...)

What about the first part of my question: when you get the quest whitout being attacked, does one of the faction brigands get incremented?
You mean when you accept delivery quests and happen not to bump into a brigand? In that case, no.
closed by ggtouch (2009-10-09 17:47:24)
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