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AuthorNeutral encounter
It would be possible to implement some algorithm (or to change the existing one) for encounter neutral creatures?
Let me give an example:
lvl 1-2 should meet only creatures tier 1-4 and tier 1 upg
lvl 3-4 should meet creatures tier 1-5 and tier 1-2 upg
lvl 5-6 should meet creatures tier 1-6 and tier 1-4 upg
and so on... Or something equivalent.
It’s not normal (I’ll give you my example) to wait until lvl 11 to fight dark witches (which I have encountered them waaay too early in my mercs) only because they ‘become available’ starting with HG 6.
If it is because some monsters are tough for early levels, ok, no low level player should hunt them, but things are unbalanced here. Angels appear even for lvl 2 players in hunt, but devils much much later.
Also, the number of creatures that appear in hunt must be different for each player, but in a ‘starting range’ (like imps between 19-24 for lvl 1). Is there a glitch why players start fighting let's say 25 farmers and not 24, 26 or other near number?
There is already an algorithm based on hunter guild level.
And about that was the thread. Do you think is normal that one player should meet angel at lvl 2 and cavalry at lvl 11? Why has to angel trigger at HG 2 and cavalry at HG 6?? I think that gradually players should encounter tougher monsters in their hunts.
The algorithm shoulds not be based on HG level of player, but on their combat level and the monster stats.
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