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AuthorBenefits of Thieving
What are the benefits of thieving?
I see many players start the thief guild, but
1) It will cost a lot of golds for arts.
2) Normally the arts we get will return to the renter of TGI.

So what do we get except exp and skill points?
2) Normally the arts we get will return to the renter of TGI.

the 1st 2 arts normally, you can get alot more than just 2

at TG level 4 you get your own invite, worth 400k

you get alot of exp + SP

and it is also another alternative to battle to do when you're bored

and at higher TG levels, there is alot of gold you can make
You gain better initiative and the best faction skill points after pvp's. Thief arts are also nice and you can get your own TGI (selling or renting it will give you back a part of what you spent). But the first two mentioned things bring you a nice advantage over the other players.
1% of init by tg level

and the art is return to tgi's renter tu tg2

after tg2 the art are for you
and on TG4 you have a TGI ;)
So what do we get except exp and skill points?
those are not good enough reasons?
So what do we get except exp and skill points?

It allows you to gain exp when your hunts and mercs become impossible and leveling up become a real problem. That, if you are not a fan of PvP...
[complaining mode off]

In a server without a good percentage of PvP at the upper levels, I think the main advantage is to have something more to do. Ambush are more funny than hunts too.
Hunts become impossible.
Mercenary quests become impossible.
But ambushes are ALWAYS possible, at every level, simply because caravans get weaker after a loss.

Being a thief is the only kind of activity one can do forever ^_^
Maybe I'm not quite clear about thieving.

So if I rent a TGI from a player and reach thief guild level 2, I'll have to return the TGI to the renter. So I need to rent one more time to continue to thief guild level 4? Why I'll get my own TGI in level4?
for ForestFighter:
Once a thief, ALWAYS a thief, no need to re-rent it.
https://www.lordswm.com/help.php?section=10 Check under thieves guild, you'll get your own thief invitation in TG4.
I see.

So I need to rent it one time only. TGI renter will lose their TGI so I need to return the one I get in thief guild level 2 to them. And if I get a TGI in thief guild level 4, does it mean I can rent it to people unlimited times? Beside rent it to people does TGI have any others use? Is it possible to have 2 TGI for a player?
You are totally right.
Players can have more than a TGI. Example, if the person register as a thief through donation, then they will get the invitation in TG2 and TG4. Or you can just buy it from the market.
let's not forget about min ap thieving.

sure it's filled with losses, but it's profitable all the times.

in case of a loss wait one hour : made up by the hourly wage
in case of wins : reward is more than the min ap cost, more profit

keep playing and get thief levels = arts and TGI = super profit!
plus, for completeness of this game you need to become a thief. i.e. it's one of the guilds that gives bonuses to create the ULTIMATE character...or whatever
Not to mention that every time you win an ambush, you get at least one whole Racial Skill point; many times you get more than 1.5 Racial Skill points. That alone is worth being a 'Thief'. :-)
You also get your greatest battle dance while thieving.
closed by ForestFighter (2009-10-09 13:24:45)
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