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AuthorCards Masters
This is my chronicles. Somedays I have really great battles, other times....not so much.

Wont you join me in my adventures?
Well, the other day I did very well for myself. Not monetarily but win wise. So far I have lost two time in a row today. Not a good start to the chronicles of my wins.

Oh well, then it will just be my adventures cuz sometimes when I win it for sure ain't luck!! I will prove it to all the non believers!! I will stress my great wins, and/or great loses.

It ain't always luck, cards can be determined by skill also. True the luck of the draw and continued draws play a factor, but most do not acknowledge that a level of skill can also turn the tides.
The losing continues,...grrrr DAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!#####
And big loses to as far as money wise. Hmmm, maybe until I remember all my great godly techniques I should just keep it to around 400 and not give these lucky birds a payday
finally won, of course if was for no money. Well tryin again for now money. Even if I lose money at least it is a win. At least that is what I will tell myself in the morning.
k, well now I have won more money than lost today and more wins than loses. Nothing spectacular but trust me when it happens ya'll will be more than informed of it, lol
Are you really good at cards or something?
i also wanna boost gamblers guild lv
but it requires too much time and luck

I just lost 1000 due to the fact that I was not payin attention AGAIN!!!
after paying attention I have won.

Time for the next battle.

Of course I am good at cards for all newbies to my arrogance. I may get beatin but I win the best and lost the hardest.

Thus myself callin me the best in cards. I dare another to claim that he or she wins by skill, cuz then I will have a fellow brother or and sister. Then we can form an official card members clan.

An original, that is my dream.
now I have won again, I pull at straws, hehe, straws,u and I know that joke all to well.

hehe, come on card lovers, let us unite, just like I and hunters. hehe
Hmm, as a matter of fact when you have started the first topic about "being best at cards" I wondered and start playing myself. A little thank you for that might be in place. OK, there is something to it and you can win with skill, but you are far from being there(as well as me).

I know only 2 players who can play cards - Uliss and StorminMerlin.

I win the best and lost the hardest
When you win an easy game, or lose the impossible one, its nothing. Those games in the middle are what matters(when you win/lose and both players have 1-2 moves to finish).
i lost 3 times :(
card games deppens about 80% on luck and 20% on skill
In my case, 87% luck, 13% skill. According to my calculations.
Well I guess I'm not the incredible Hulk cuz if I was I would have changed after this last card battle. So humiliating. I've lost two of them that way. Man I'm so ticked right now.

Anyways, the wins that I am referring to are not the ones that I had all the cards and the other person did not. I'm talkin bout the ones where I was at deaths door but thru skill pulled out a victory. I would say 20 percent of my loses are from me not paying attention, 10 percent from an actual skilled player and the rest was f'n luck I tell ya.

I just wish they would expand the cards enough where we could formulate our own decks.

Well I gotta chill for a bit cuz I'm mad and don't feel like breakin another computer, not that I have anger issues or nothin, haha, ha, uhh, so anyways I can't go out like this. Got to at least make me gold back.
or maybe not. What a horrible day for me. I'll be back. I won't give up until I've beaten everyone and made my money back.

but first is getting my money back;)
and on another note, the knowledge of the cards and the mojo I once had haven't come back 100% yet.

So yeah, thats it, there is somethin in my eye, thats why I'm losing, yeah thats it.
Finally got a sweep of victories. I lost so much the last time I played I had to stop before I did undue harm to my computer.

Won with my two multis and finally won a 1000 gold bet instead of losing, yay.

They were all nice battles too. I totally dominated the last one, but I had cards for the most part. My fav so far is the one I did as Lucid-Wolf. Lotta skill and enough luck to pull that victory.

Well I don't want to brag too much cuz then I'll start losing again.
I know only 2 players who can play cards - Uliss and StorminMerlin.

Add Jedi-Knight to that list ;)

As for me, i rarely play it, though my brothers seem to like it alot. I wonder what's the deal with it xD
I would happily duel any of those aforementioned players.

I want to be the best so I need to face the best. I ain't scared.

Anyone else for that matter, especially straws, grrr, he has defeated me every time so far. Grrr, get mad just thinkin there is someone out there who can say hasn't fell under my awesomeness!

Yes there are some random encounters who have defeated me, but this was a personal battle. I will defeat you Straws!!! and all the others who beat me while I was braggin bout my greatness. What insolence!!!
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