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AuthorTGI Rent for zmey_garynych
Minimum combat level is 6.

Terms of agreement:
1. You must be able to reach TG2 (120).
a.) Be an active player
b.) Show me full art set.
c.) A reserve of gold (20 to 50k minimum).
2. Follow the rules of the game.
a.) No suspicious transfers.
b.) No interaction with multis.
3. Cannot rent, buy, sell, or transfer TGI or thief arts.
4. One day is 24 hours. A partial day is counted as a full day. One week is 7 days. A partial week is counted as a full week.
5. If you take more than 1 month in returning TGI, you risk being fined 600,000 gold and/or your character being blocked.

Gold Only:
1. Return TGI within 2 weeks.
2. 2,000 gold per day.
3. Prepay 40,000 gold deposit (or eqivalent resources / elements).
4. Leftover deposit will be returned.
5. If more than 2 weeks, it is daily 3,000 gold fee.
I'm agree.
Our agreemnent will start after 2AM Semtember 30th when I'll get the invitarion and pay the deposit.
09-30-09 01:36: Transferred item(s): 'Thief invitation' [1/1] to zmey_garynych . Transaction price: 42000 Gold
This topic is long since last update and considered obsolete for further discussions.

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