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AuthorTalent Wheel Idea/Suggestion
Hi all who will read this,

I suggest you can use number of talents you level allows for level 5 and above like 1 talent for level 5, 2 for level 6, 3 for level 7 and so on. It should also be flexible like the current talent wheel, you can change it whenever you want. This would stop a lot of necros (no offence intended) and other factions from complaining they cannot get last stand/stand your ground talent.

as I posted in another topic ...

What I suggest, in general, is a way to distibute better talents.
Every talent should cost the same on the outermost part of the wheel, and cost should increase moving inward (apart from the center that should cost as any talent on the outermost ring).
This way, I will have to ponder well what to choose for my talent, and many mixed combinations could pop out that today are not feasible. (obviously, advanced XXX should be on 2nd ring and expert XXX on the 3rd)

- talents on 4th ring of talent wheels should be automatically learnt if central ring + 1 or 2 more specific other talents will be learnt.

- talent wheels should have the same amount of talents for any faction (not necessarily the same talents)

- my proposal would be to have talents costing 5 on the 1st ring, 8 on the second and 10 on the 3rd (so, for example, if I want to have expert luck, I spend 23 points)
My idea is based on the HOMM V game.
but this is not HOMM ... and your suggestion would not solve the issue of might vs. magic ...
It does seem odd to have talents that you'd apparently need to be higher than level 14 to use...
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