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AuthorSherwood1 - Illegal transfers to multi
Rules Broken:
1.1. Ignorance of the following rules does not relieve the responsibility for their violation.

3.10. It is allowed to create additional characters to familiarize yourself with features of other factions. Additional character must be completely independent; remember, that multichars created for financial profiting of the main character in any way are blocked without hesitation. One player may have up to 3 characters (one main and two extras).
3.10.1. If you register an additional character, you are bound to show that in the opening line of the "character information" of both, commenting who is the main character and who is the additional one. Just the line "I've got another character" or "This is an additional character" is not enough. Indication of nicknames of them all is obligatory. Additional characters who aren't signed will be blocked immediately.
3.11. Any transfers, (including those through the market or through a third party), combats (including those with other players involved) and "Two Towers" games between multiple characters of one person are prohibited. Such line should clearly state who is the main character, and who is the extra one. Additional characters who aren't signed will be blocked without any warning!

3.13. Additional characters are not allowed to make presents to anyone, or pay/receive clan taxes/entrance fees. When buying game items from other characters, the prices mustn't differ too much from the average market prices. Trying to wash the money through substitute parties is a serious violation leading to block of the additional characters and penalty to the main one.

08-07-09 23:17: Received 20000 Gold 1 Gems 2 Crystals 1 Sulfur 3 Mercury 14 Ore from Sherwood1 :
06-08-09 01:03: Received 5000 Gold from Sherwood1 :
06-07-09 04:22: Received 1400 Gold from Sherwood1 :
05-26-09 00:54: Received 800 Gold from Sherwood1 :
05-26-09 00:34: Received 300 Gold from Sherwood1 :
05-26-09 00:22: Transferred 7222 Gold to Sherwood1 :

06-07-09 04:24: Received 4000 Gold from sherwood :

Also many more illegal transfers between sherwood & sherwood1

Sherwood1 Profile: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=Sherwood1
this is my main alts include sherwood, and sherwoods

Sherwoods Profile: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=Sherwoods
sherwood 1 is my main this is an alt

Sherwood Profile: https://www.lordswm.com/pl_info.php?nick=Sherwood
my main is sherwood1 this is my alt
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